Chapter 8

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L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 8


It was all blue and bright. But, that day meant a revolution; a turning point of this whole story.

That day, dad had sent me a photo. A photo of a girl.

"Her name is Sadhna", he had written. "Just meet her tomorrow at Java Café at 10 AM"

I just had today to confess my love for her. I ran up to didi who was sitting on her bed switching channels.

"What happened? Got attacked by Sadhna?", she asked not looking at me.

"You knew about it?", I asked in sheer disbelief. In response, she shrugged. Her deep brown hair fell into her black eyes which she kept plopping back.

"Since when?", I asked leaning to the doorframe and crossing my hands over my chest.

"Maybe, from the start?", she shrugged, yet again.

"And you didn't care to inform?", I asked, my eyes fixed on her.

"If I had told you, the most you could have done is postpone the meeting and you would anyways confess your love to Prisha the day before the meet. I know that", she shrugged, yet again.

I tried to take in her room. It was somehow, not in place.

"Was anyone here?", I asked.

"Nope, why?", she countered.

"It looks... Kind of out of place. Never mind", I sighed.

I walked ahead and fell beside her.

"Didi, I am younger than you, how can dad get me married earlier than you?", I asked my eyes now staring on the TV, not intaking the scene but to make a scene out of it.

"Depends on him?", she replied.

Her hands were clenched into tight fists and I knew something was wrong. It was...weird, considering how my sister never feigned anything.

"You okay?", I asked putting my hand over her fists.

She looked at my hands and then back to the TV and let out a deep breath before running a hand over her hair, pushing them back again. The reason she is going to be bald soon.

"I am fine", she muttered, fixing her eyes on the TV. She never gives short replies. She hadn't even looked at me.

"So, what are you going to do about the letter?", she asked, as I stared unseeingly at the wall for god-knows-how-long.

"I don't know, you say?", I shrugged sighing out a deep breath.

"If it's not Prisha, then are you going to search for the writer?", she asked.

"Who knows? I just have tonight to propose her. I can't say a 'no' to dad, even if he forces me into the marriage.", I answered.

"In short, you are not going to have time or situations under control", she replied on behalf of me.

Trust me, I don't want to break anyone but I can't help it. If the writer doesn't come to the surface, I can't dive deep enough to find her...or him?

"What's going on in your mind?", she asked, fixing her eyes on the 52 inch TV screen.

"I might drop the idea of finding the writer after all", I blurted out. I know, she understands. Thousands of girls out there and only one girl whom j trust the most; didi.

She smiled at me and for the first time in the whole time looked at me.

"I am going to move out", she said, getting up from her bed, creasing out her red T-shirt.

"What? But why? All of a sudden?", I asked out of shock.

"Darshan, I have now got a work and I guess, I can provide myself a place to live in. The only reason I was here was because I didn't have a place to live in after I got kicked out of my office", she exhaled a sharp breath and looked at me with her twinkling eyes. The black in her eyes looking blacker with a white glisten in the corner. "I hope you understand", she said, finally.

Everything happened in a day.

Didi confirmed that the handkerchief consisted to the set that Prisha had bought. Dad confirmed my date with Sadhna. Didi said she was going to move out.

I can't take the fact in. To whom am I going to sleep with when I have a nightmare? To whom am I going to irritate, now? Maybe I am overthinking... But, it still hurts me that didi is moving away.

In the park bench, Prisha and I sat side by side, our knees brushing. The street light was a feet away from us. Except for that, the moonlight and starlight were the only sources of light that made the sky look a lighter shade of black; more of a navy blue color. Yeah, the sky was in the color of the sea.

"Hey, what's that you wanted to talk to me about?", Prisha asked brushing her hands over mine, tilting her head to face me. Her cheeks were a lighter shade of pink; due to cold. Her light brown hair were the same color as her eyes.

I gulped in, in nervousness. The words I was going to utter would bring so many changes.

"Prisha, I know... We know each other since long", her eyes searched mine expecting something more, "And.. I know we have been together since long...", oh god! Help this child. "I wanted to say... Say... Say that.. ", I was silenced by her lips when they pressed over mine. I was taken aback with wide eyes. But, soon, my mind was blurred out as she bit into my lower lip asking for entrance. I opened my lips as if, by instinct and let her in. Her eyes closed, mine too.

I cupped her cheeks with one hand and moved the other to the back of her waist, pulling her closer. Like a drug, she intoxicated me, tugging and pulling my hair as if she wants more of it.

A few moments later, we parted and she rested her head on mine. Panting for breath and with loud heartbeats, I was afraid, I would die of shock.

"I.. Really, really, really love you! Since the day we met. Since college days. Till today. You filled everything in me. That day, when we met, you offered me your umbrella in the rain. When I was in trouble, you came forth to help me. I could never ever give up on you!", she tilted her head to the side and smiled at me. As for me, I was still in shock.

"Looking for you when you weren't around. Looking at you when  you didn't look and looking away when you noticed me. Bumping into you in the corridors and sharing lunches and music, all of it were a part of it, I knew. That's why, I was afraid, that if I said something stupid, if I voiced my feings, I would have to walk into an abyss, away from you... And I was scared of that. Staying away from you", she confessed still resting her forehead on mine.

And, as if by instinct, I pull her into a tight hug. "I... I... Love you too, the same way, have been loving you", my voice comes in broken sentences, but I know she understands it for she giggles at my way of speaking.

I smile with her.

The moment is broken by the vibration of my phone and I see a text from didi.

I got confused seeing that and as I open the text, panic rose into my throat.

"Dad's here", was the, simple text.

// Hi hi hi... Hope you all are doing fine, my beautiful readers!!! Love y'all inna saara.. Raining soon k liye taiyar? I probably know that you might not be able to take this in after the heavy hearted chapter of " LITTLE LETTERS LEFT BEHIND", but it is supposed to bring change into our lives. As far as a cover for this is concerened,may be give me time to bring out? And again, love y'all. Also, how many of you are happy for the kiss..and how many are not? Say me in the comments. //

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now