Chapter 18

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Some nights, you won't have anyone by your side,
And you would want to die...
Some nights, the most pathetic 'goodbyes',
Can be healed by one 'See you again'


L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 18


“What?!”, I yell in surprise as I sit across dad and didi in the living room.

I look at didi in shock.

“You... Why do you need to move out?”, I asked didi.

Earlier today, didi had asked me to meet in the living room with dad.

I hadn't expected it to turn out as this conversation!

“Darshan, let's not make a scene out of this. I am moving out and I have seen another apartment in Bandra. You wouldn't need to worry”, she said calmness lying in her tone.

“I don't care if you think I am over reacting, but heck! Why do you need to move out?”, I asked exasperated.

“Darshan, you are the first person whom I find so clueless”, she sighed out.

“What do you mean?”, I raised my brows at her.

“I mean, you are going to get married. You have a fiancé and...a girlfriend”, she said the last word in a whisper so that only I could hear it. “.. And you both will clearly need space. Besides, I too need to get some space, don't I?”, she explained as I stood there stupefied.

“But...moving out... That too to Bandra..”, I sat back getting into a deep thought.

“Darshan... ”, she let out a deep breath.

“I always knew talking to you is going to be hard enough...”, she said in an undertone but I could hear it.

I had grown too habituated with having her silly pranks on me that the thought of her going away from me didn't just settle right.

There seem to be a lot of things off.

Not that, it is because she is moving away. But because, I feel like I am forgetting something, very important.

To begin with, I believe I was a person with very sharp memory, but how am I forgetting these important things?

Who is my sister after all?

I believe wasn't the way it is now. She used to be a complete different person.

Hardik seems off lately. He is busy in something...something that I have no idea about.

“Okay. Do as you wish”, I sighed and got up. There is no way I could go against her will. Her lips thinned into a line.

I walked to my room and called Pri.

Maybe she could help me.


L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now