Chapter 17

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Nothing is permanent,
Even the stars in the sky fall down.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck


Chapter 17


I was very happy after the date with Pri. Although, Sadhna made things a bit complicated, the whole five hours that I spent with Pri were awesome.

I hear noises from didi's bed room and it interests me...a bit, since it's really very quite when it comes to her life.

I start eavesdropping, even if it is not good, but I don't get the chance everyday

“I need to tell him, but I don't know how to”, I hear didi.

“But, you are not compelled to do it. After all, you are a part of this family”, it's dad's voice, this time.

“But, Darshan needs to know it”, it's didi's voice now.

“His life doesn't depend upon it... Until and unless, you agree to the deal”, dad says.

“I can't actually agree to the deal. Not after his marriage is being concerned and it's round the corner”, it's didi's voice.

“Hence, you actually don't need to tell him”, dad says...more like he pleads.

“Are you afraid, that it will drift us apart?”, it's didi.

Dad sighs to it.

“I don't actually want to lose you, now. Not after spending all these years with you”, dad's voice emerges more as a whisper.

“But, I have to leave, now. You have already done enough for me. I can't ask more than this”, didi's voice comes as a calm tone.

“No, you don't need to leave. You can always stay here with us”, dad's voice is anxious.

“It's not actually my place to invade in, is it?”, didi simply puts it.

“Hell with those agreements! You are not going anywhere”, dad is furious. I can tell from the tone.

“Why don't you want me to go away? It was surely you who hated me to the core at first”, didi poises.

It makes dad silent. He doesn't say anything.

I hear footsteps coming close to the door and back away instantly.

“You don't need to force yourself down this”, it's dad who speaks.

“I have got no other choice”, I can nearly see didi's grim expression.

I walk into my own room...i nearly run into my own room.

What is it that they are hiding from me?

What is it that they don't want to say to me?

What agreements? Why is didi leaving us? What is the secret that will set this family apart?

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now