2. sara&prem

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2 weeks passed

The college exam has finished, Tara, Janhvi and Sara celebrate by going to the club.

The three of them had arrived at the club, and of course there were plums and rahul with them.
They began to dance following
Song rhythm.

Tara : let's go drink

Prem : Come on.

"They go to the bartender to order drinks, they drink quite a lot"

Janhvi: Enough is enough we have to stop.

Prem: Come on jan

Rahul : is not Jan, we can drink more than this. We have to celebrate.

Tara : you're right dear, we have to celebrate.

Then they drink again, they get very drunk.
They danced very cool, prem hugged Sara from behind, then they kissed.

They danced very cool, prem hugged Sara from behind, then they kissed

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As usual, tara and rahul disappear.
This time Sara, Janhvi and Prem take a taxi home. They go to Janhvi and Sara's place. Janhvi enters and immediately collapses sara and prem begins to be unable to control himself. they kiss and lead to other things.

Prem carried Sara into the room, then put Sara on the bed.
They both enjoy what they do ...

Premm took off his clothes and Sara's, his hands began to explore the beautiful body of his lover, Sara arched her body, giving Prem full access to explore her body.
This is the first time for both of them.

After some of them adjust their property, their bodies become one.
Sara screamed at the premm, then fresh blood came out.

Prem does it by hand.
They both continue to enjoy their actions. Then they achieved something that was very enjoyable.

Prem : I really love you Sara.

Sara : I love you too..

They both hugged and fell asleep.

Prem Pov.

I woke up with my head slightly dizzy, I looked sideways.
Considering what I did last night with Sara, I did it consciously and Sara was a little drunk.
I have to get out of here, I'm waking sara.

Prem : wake up dear it's already morning.

Sara : Come on prem, I'm still sleepy, you didn't let me sleep last night. "Sara smiled"

Prem : I have to leave soon, I have a morning class!

Sara : I still want to spend time with you.

Premv: we can do it another time, I have to leave immediately, otherwise Janhvi can find out about this.

"I kissed Sara's lips and then I left, but what I feared happened, Janhvi had woken up and she looked at me in surprise. I immediately left her presence"

Janhvi POV.

I saw the premm coming out of the room, what was he doing ??

I remember what happened last night, we were drunk and went home on taksı, I was very drunk and I got home I was unconscious.

"Sara-sara ... I immediately went to the room, I was surprised to see Sara was sleeping on the bed"

Janhvi : sara wake up, what are you doing with the prem ?? Answer me
sara. 'I shook his body'

Sara: We did nothing Janhvi!!

I looked around, and I saw bloodstains on the bed.

Janhvi: sara if you have sex with prem?

Sara : ehhhhhhh, no.

Janhvi : Don't lie sara, what is this ?? "I show the blood spots on the sheets"

Sara : yeah, I did it.

Janhvi : are you crazy, are you wearing protectors (kondom)??

Sara : I don't remember ..

"I swear at Sara"

Sara: Don't curse at me, now help me go to the bathroom, I can't walk.

I helped Sara walk to the bathroom, then she cleaned up and I made breakfast For it.

Sara and I spent time at home, we watched a movie and invited Tara to join us.

1 month passed.

Sara, Janhvi and Tare are at their favorite cafe.

They met with other friends.
They enjoyed the food they ordered until ...

Uuwkkk ... Uwwkkkk ... Uwkkkkk

"There was the sound of tara vomiting, tara immediately headed to the bathroom followed by sara and janhvi who were worried"

Uwkkkkkk..Uwkkkkkk .... Uwkkkkkk

Sara : are you ok ??

Tara : doesn't seem to !! I feel dizzy and feel sick to my stomach.

Janhvi : Your face is very pale tar, let's go home. We will take you home.

Sara and Janhvi say goodbye to other friends and take the tare back to her house. After that they both also returned.


What happened to tara??

thank you for reading my story.
stay safe

IG : @saraseputarbolly

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