5. Through the day🏵

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Kusum POV.

Sara and Janhvi have come, and I'm very happy.
They both are resting in the room. I called them to say that dinner was ready.
But when I want to enter the door I hear their conversation.

Janhvi: are you really sure, sar?

Sara: I'm very sure Jan, I won't kill my flesh and blood, I will keep this baby, even though Premm doesn't want to.

Janhvi: I will always be with you "what ??" flesh blood "what are they talking about, what sara pregnant"

I was surprised to hear their conversation, but I tried to calm down and called the two of them for dinner.

After dinner, sara wanted to talk to us about something.
I still keep convincing myself that what I just heard was wrong ..
But indeed Sara said that she was

All of us in the dining room were surprised to hear Sara's words.
I could see anger, sadness and guilt in karan's eyes, it was quite painful for me, and certainly karan.
Karan started to scold sara, and to my surprise Sara's lover wouldn't take responsibility, and didn't want a baby in Sara's womb.

Kavita gave a suggestion to abort, I could not believe, how could someone mother kill her own flesh and blood, while I was here, I could not have children !!

Karan does not agree with the suggestion of Kavita and Sara also cannot kill the flesh of his flesh.

Finally I said. "I will take care of the baby, we will take care of Sara until she gives birth, after that I will take care of the baby and Sara can continue studying, and achieve all her dreams"

Sara and Janhvi smiled at me.
Karan also agreed with the advice I gave, we will take care of Sara until she gives birth.

Time skipe

Karan POV.

I'm still disappointed in Sara and Janhvi, but I really love both of them.
I blame myself for the mistake I made.
I'm happy with the advice given Kusum, so Sara can still achieve his dream.

Since paa and maa died I left the military and took care of the company.
I divided my time between taking care of work and taking care of Sara and Janhvi.

Paa and maa also uncles and aunts, they had an accident when they were going to attend a business meeting, at that time I sara and janhvi did not participate. And from that moment on I took responsibility for them.

Kavita and Kusum paid great attention to Sara.
I'm very proud of Kusum, he can always handle problems well.
Actually I did not want to remarry, but Kusum told me to marry the woman of his choice, and I could not refuse.


The days passed quickly, Sara stomach began to swell, Janhvi, Kusum, Karana and Kavita paid great attention to Sara.
Naina is also with them, but in front of Naina they always say that Sara is playing with.
His stomach and Naina believe that.

And today is Sara's birthday, everyone is busy preparing presents.

They celebrate Sara's birthday at night, Sara is now 22 years old, and she will become a mother. This is very fast ..

Sara went into the room and cried, Janhvi followed Sara and sat next to her.
Janhvi can feel the sadness experienced by Sara, being a single mother at a young age ..
Sara is a young girl full of ambition, many dreams, Sara and Janhvi promised to achieve their dreams together.
And Janhvi will always be next to Sara. After baby Sara is born, Sara and Janhvi will continue to achieve their dreams together.

Janhvi : don't cry sar.
"Janhvi hugs Sara from the side"

Sara : I should have followed the word bhai. And it won't be like this !!

Janhvi : There's nothing to be sorry about, everything has happened.

Kusum enters the room and joins them.

Kusum : I am very proud of you sar, because you did not take actions that could endanger yourself and your baby.

Janhvi : Isn't he very wise bhabhi.

Kusum : You're right Jan, even I think that this is God's plan. You know that you cannot conceive, and God left this baby in your stomach.
"Kusum strokes Sara stomach".
We are all happy now, even before your baby was born in the world, then what is your reason for sadness? !!
You should be happy ...

Janhvi : This is not Sara Bhabhi baby, this is also my baby. I will take care of him too. We will treat it together ...

Kusum : Yes, you're right Jan, this baby has 4 mothers who will love him, you, Sara, me and Kavita. And Naina she will also be very happy with the presence of this baby.

Sara : thanks bhabhi, thank you jan, you are always with me and always strengthen me.

Kusum : Now you have to sleep, tomorrow the doctor will come and check your womb.

Sara & Janhvi : good night.
Kusum leaves Sara and Janhvi and they fall asleep.

The days passed very quickly, Sara stomach was already big.
Sara spends her days accompanied by Janhvi, Kusum, Kavita, Karan and Naina.
Sara is happy to have a family that can accept her situation even though she has made mistakes but the family always strengthens. Sara happily spends day after day, Janhvi and Naina always entertain Sara even Kavita and Kusum always make Sara favorite food, dam karan, she always strengthens Sara  and soon she will give birth soon.

Karan has prepared the best hospital for sara labor, kusum and kavita also strengthens sara for childbirth ..
Everyone can't wait to welcome the birth of a baby in Sara stomach.


Being a single mother at a young age is very difficult. Moreover, we have dreams that we cannot achieve.


the next update will come out tomorrow, I have completed several chapters so it seems I will update every day. 😍😍

but don't get your hopes up😜😜😅😅🙏🙏


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