27. new person...????

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Author pov.

Today karan, kavita, kusum and naina arrived at kolkata and they have reached the hotel, sara, janhvi and others also welcome karan, kavita and kusum. But when he met Premm, his face changed. Karan is still angry with Premm, after which they go to the room to rest.

Kusum: Kavita you are with Karan, I will share a room with Sara.

Kavita: okay kusum.

Sara: but bhabhi.

Kusum: i miss yash sara a lot.

Sara: alright.

Sara and Kusum enter the room, and sara feels that kusum is hiding something, sara leaves yash with janhvi and raj so she can talk to kusum.

Sara: bhabhi is everything fine I mean ... Is there no problem between you and karan bhai?

Kusum: all is well sara, nothing happened.

Sara: but why do I feel... I feel bhabhi is hiding something from me.

Kusum: why do you think like that sara, nothing happened between us and did i ever hide anything from you.

Sara: I don't think so.

Kusum: I always tell you everything right, so you don't have to think about things that don't need sara.

Sara: bhabhi is right, I think too much about things which are unnecessary.

Kusum: alright then I'll freshen up.

Kusum went to the bathroom and he looked at the mirror with a sad face.

Kusum pov.

Until when do I have to lie and keep this secret. I freshen up and get out of the bathroom.

Kusum: oh yes sara, I apologize for allowing Premm to bring yash.

Sara: its okay bhabhi, I know bhabhi must have had to do this.

Kusum: Premm suddenly came to the house and he took yash to visit you, Premm asked kavita and I couldn't do anything.

Sara: never mind bhabhi after all I also miss this little monster a lot. "Sara kissed yash's cheek who was sleeping"

Kusum: better now we go to sleep, because tomorrow we have to prepare early for rahul and tara's wedding.

Sara: tomorrow is a busy day ..

Kusum: now hurry up and go to sleep.

Sara: is okay boss ..

Me and sara got up early in the morning, I got ready and put some make up on my face, then I put and got yash ready too.
After that sara and yash and I immediately headed to the wedding venue, the event still hadn't started and we greeted some of the guests we knew. Me and sara joined others and then Shiv introduced a woman, from her face she looks very beautiful, that woman is wearing a wedding chain and also a red mark on her head.

Shiv: Introduce this my wife rashmi..

so Shiv already has a wife and that's why sara doesn't want to be arranged with Shiv

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so Shiv already has a wife and that's why sara doesn't want to be arranged with Shiv. Kavita and I introduced ourselves to Rashmi, and after that we went to Tara's room to help her get ready.

Premm pov.

I saw Shiv walking with a woman, and that woman. I remember that woman who saw Sara and I fight at that time. Shiv holds her hand and introduces her to karan bhai, kusum and kavita didi and other guests.
I went to Rahul and asked who the woman was with Shiv ....

Premm: Rahul who is that woman...?

Rahul: who do you mean ..?

Premm: the woman who is with
Shiv. "I point to the woman I mean"

Rahul: ohh that Shiv wife's name is rashmi.

Premm: what ???? So Shiv already has a wife ..!  Why are you telling me just now.

Rahul: I just found out yesterday ...
Why Premm, why are you so shocked...?

Premm: you know I accused Sara of having a special relationship with Shiv.

Rahul: you should apologize to sara premm..

Premm: You're right rahul.

Rahul's parents called us to immediately go to the wedding venue. Rahul sat next to the priest and Tara followed him sitting next to him, Tara looked very beautiful and looked very happy, Rahul's eyes were teary seeing Tara sitting beside him.

 Rahul sat next to the priest and Tara followed him sitting next to him, Tara looked very beautiful and looked very happy, Rahul's eyes were teary seeing Tara sitting beside him

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After the wedding ritual was over, Tara and Rahul hugged and Rahul kissed Tara's forehead, Shiv and her parents cried seeing Tara who was married to the man of her choice. Even sara and janhvi were like that.

Time skip.

I've returned to mumbai and now i'm in the office After finishing work I immediately went to the airport to pick up maa and paa, they were already waiting for me and we went home, maa and paa asked about rahul's marriage.

Anil: how is tara and rahul's marriage.

Premm: Everything went well.

Dimple: did Kavita's and family come?

Premm: Yes, everyone came, even their aunt Aisya and Rohit's uncle (Rahul's parents) asked maa and paa.

Anil: If there are no very important matters we will actually come, but what can we do.

Dimple: Of course they also understand ... Oh yeah Premm, is it true that Rahul and Tara had a relationship when they were in the US.

Premm: That's right maa.

Dimple: And Maa also heard that Rahul told Tara to abort her womb ..?

I don't know what to answer, I just stay quiet and drink coffee in front of me.

Anil: never mind, it's their personal matter after all.

Premm: yes, paa right..!!!

After that maa and paa went to the room to rest, I also came back to my room and I was still thinking how to apologize to Sara.


The marriage of my siblings and neighbors was over and that was enough to make me very tired, and because there was the Covid 19 pandemic, the marriage was not too busy, but in my city there was nothing positive for Covid 19.
happy reading everything and don't forget to vote and comment ....


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