11. Meet.

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Prem POV.

Maa woke me up and told me to hurry up.....

Dimple: Premm, wake up quickly !!

Prem: It's still very early Maa.

Dimple: Today we will go to Delhi premm.

I got up from my very comfortable bed and then I refreshed myself and had breakfast with maa and paa.

Anil: Premm you have to be nice there, and don't throw tantrums.

I only listen to what Paa says. We left for the airport and took the first flight.
Flight about 2 hours, we arrived in Mumbai and then we boarded the car to reach the house in Didi.

Sara PoV.

Kavita Bhabhi told her that her family would come today,
The maid had already prepared a guest room for a distant relative who came
Janhvi and I will take the design clothes we ordered, and buy other necessities.

I left yash with bhabhi. Then me and Janhvi departed.
We were escorted by the driver and after arriving at the destination me and Janhvi immediately took the clothes that had been ordered.
Then we buy other needs.
Hhhhhhhh ... This is very tiring.

Janhvi and I returned home. .
In the living room there are already many people, surely the bhabhi kavita family has come.
I told the maid to put things in the room, then me and Janhvi went to see the family of kavita bhabhi.

Kavita: sara, janhvi come here introduce maa and paa and this is my sister Premm.

I was shocked to see the figure standing in front of me, no ... it couldn't be him, he couldn't be here.
My body felt weak and I really wanted to leave this room.
I could see that he was surprised to see me, he looked at me with a sharp look, I was silent and frozen. Then bhabhi kusum interrupted my thoughts.

Kusum: sara are you ok??

Sara: e-e, yes bhabhi I'm ok.!!!

Then the premm thrust his hand towards me and I pretended not to recognize him.

Premm: I'm Premm.

I just smiled stiffly and said my name, he also greeted Janhvi. I excused myself to go to the room, I convinced myself that what happened just now was a dream !!

Jannvi also came into my room, sitting on the bed still with a surprised expression on his face.

Janhvi: what I see is Premm.

Sara: I also don't know Jan. I hope that's not him.

Janhvi: if it's Premm, what will we do sar?

Sara: I'm confused sara, what should I do ??
"I cried then Janhvi calmed me down"

Janhvi: calm down sar, don't cry.
I am here with you.
If that's true Premm then we have to do something.

Suddenly Kusum Bhabhi entered the room.

Kusum: why are you crying ??

Janhvi: It's alright, bhabhi, it's just that I'm sad because I'm getting married soon.

Kusum: Every woman will get married, after all Janhvi will not go far from us.

Janhvi: sara stop crying, i will always be with you.

Kusum POV.

When Sara and Janhvi came I could see when Kavita introduced them to Premm.
Sara and Janhvi were as surprised when they saw Premm. And after that sara went into the room, then janhvi also followed.

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