21. Sara!!

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Sara Pov.

It's been 3 days since Janhvi left the house, and Janhvi will go to Australia for honeymoon, that was his dream ...

Uncle anil and rahul also returned to Mumbai, only
Premm and dimple aunt will still stay for a few days ....
I was getting ready and going to work, I left yash with bhabhi ..
Because today there is a meeting so I have to leave in the morning, I go with bhai. When we arrived at our office, Shiv was also there.
After the meeting bhai will go for a meeting with the client.

Karan: sara, bhai must go now, bhai cannot drop of you, you can call the driver to pick you up.

Sara: ok bhai !!

Shiv: You don't need Mr. Karan I can take Sara home.

Karan: alright then, you will go home with Mr. Shiv

Me and Shiv on the way home, we talked about tara and rahu .. It seems like Shiv has been able to accept the rahul.

Sara: how are tara, aunt and uncle?

Shiv: they're good, tara already talked about marriage to father and mother.
And the rahul family will also come to see our family soon.

Sara: really?

Shiv: right, you should immediately visit kolkata sara !!

Sara: Of course Shiv, I will visit there with Janhvi and Raj
Shiv I'll wait ...
"Shiv smiled"

Shiv and I talked about random things, the car stopped and Shiv opened the door for me.

Shiv: we have arrived.

Sara: Thank you Shiv for taking me, you must come in. I will make you a special tea for you.
"I invited Shiv to stop by, I will need a special tea for him"

Shiv: sorry sara next time.

Sara: Come on please.
"I gave the puppy's face to Shiv, so he could not refuse"

Shiv: Alright, I'll stop by and enjoy tea.

We enter the house and Shiv is welcomed by Kusum Bhabhi ..

Sara: Where is yash?

Kusum: Yash is sleeping.

Bhabhi accompanied Shiv to chat while I went to the kitchen to make tea. Done!!! I serve tea for Shiv and also Kusum Bhabhi.

Shiv: This is really good ...

Sara: Really, I hope you don't lie Shiv.

Shiv: of course I'm not lying.

Kusum: This is Sara's skill, she is very good at making tea.

We talked about many things, then
Shiv leaves home, and when leaving home bhai just got out of the car.

Karan: Mr. Shiv, you here?

Shiv: yes sir, sara asked me to stop by, so I stopped by for a moment.
Alright then I have to go now, see you sara.

I went into the room and refreshed myself, after that I went to Kusum Bhhabhi room to meet Yash.
Yash is still sleeping so I will wake him up.

Kusum: sara he is still sleeping.

Sara: I miss yash bhabhi, so I will wake her up !!

I tickle yash's stomach, and he gets up ... "mumma", yash says

Sara: hello baby😍😍.
I kissed yash, and he also kissed back.

Yash: Mumma, I miss Jan, why isn't Jan here?

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