8. 💔💔

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Sara and Janhvi had arrived in India, they both immediately went to the house.

Kusum and Kavita have prepared Janhvi and Sara's favorite food.
Yash is playing with Naina.
Yash is 3 years old.
Sara and Janhvi enter the house, Kusum and Kavita welcome them happily.

Sara: where is yash?

Kavita: Yash is playing with Naina.

Sara: and Bhai?

Kavita: karan is in the office.

Sara: bhabhi I will meet yash.

Sara and Janhvi go to meet Yash and Naina.

Sara: hi yash, hi naina.

Yash: mumma.
(Yash runs and hugs Sara.

Sara: do you miss me "Yash nodded"

Janhvi: hi yash don't you miss me?

Yash: i miss you jan, but i miss mumma more.
"Yash says with a child's accent"

Janhvi: Alright, you're with Sara and I'm with Naina.
Naina come on, let's get out of here.
Kusum and kavita have prepared food on the table, and when they eat, karan comes.
Sara immediately hugged karan.

Sara: I miss you so much bhai.

Karan: I miss you too.
Let's eat first, after that we can talk.

After eating they talk about a lot of things, then Yash gets sleepy and he wants to sleep with Sara.

Yash: maa I want to sleep with mumma, can I?

Naina: even me too

Kusum: Of course dear, you can sleep peacefully at any time.

Yash: will mumma stay here?

Kavita: Of course yash, sara and janhvi will still be here.

Janhvi: let's go to sleep.

The four of them slept in the rooms of Sara Janhvi, Naina, Yash, Sara

Janhvi: Isn't this fun ??

Sara: I miss yash a long time, and now we can spend a lot of time.

Sara and Janhvi are still talking, but the kids are sleeping.
Until they also fall asleep.

Sara Pov.

The morning wind blows through the cracks of the window followed by sunlight which increasingly radiates its rays.
I woke up, then kissed yash and naina.
I woke up Janhvi.

Sara: Jan wake up already morning !!

Janhvi: well I will wake up.
I also woke up yash and naina, then I bathed yash.
Janhvi also goes to get ready in his room.

After that we had breakfast together, then me and Janhvi went to the office with Bhai.

We arrived at the office, bhai introduced me and Janhvi to all employees.
This office was founded by paa and uncle, actually there are 3 companies.
In India, London, and Singapore and the company there is run by
Veer, bhai's right hand. Occasionally bhai goes there to check.

Bhai showed me my room and Janhvi, me and Janhvi started working, we were placed in the design department.
Actually me and Janhvi want to set up a fashion shop, but for now me and Janhvi don't want to disappoint bhai.

Prem POV.

Today is the anniversary of the death of Didi and his family.
I have to get home from work immediately, otherwise I will definitely scold me.

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