15. the truth is revealed💥🔥

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hayy all, I'm back again.
Happy reading❤❤

Kavita pov.

Going shopping with maa and kusum is fun, we bought some jewelry and saree.
I also bought clothes for Naina and Yash. Maa also bought some clothes for Premm, rahul and paa.

Dimple: why don't we invite Sara and Janhvi, it would be great fun !!

Kavita: Yes maa, next time we will invite them to shop.

We will head to the jewelry place, we enter our customer shop, they sell jewelry with a very beautiful design here. We started to choose some jewelry.

Dimple: Isn't this very beautiful ??

Kusum: it's very pretty aunty.

Dimple: Then wrap this.
"Dimple gives jewelry to the seller"

Dimple: I'll buy jewelry for Janhvi and Sara too, so which one is good??

Kavita: I think, this is suitable for Janhvi Maa and this is suitable for Sara. What do you think kusum?

Kusum: I agree with Kavita, this will be very suitable for Janhvi and this will be very suitable for Sara.

Kusum: I agree with Kavita, this will be very suitable for Janhvi and this will be very suitable for Sara

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We have arrived home and started unpacking groceries, kusum calling sara and janhvi. Then maa gave them gifts, Janhvi and Sara were very happy with Maa gifts.

Sara: This is very beautiful auntie.

Janhvi: yes auntie, this is very, very beautiful.

Sara: Thanks auntie dimple.

Dimple: You guys must be very pretty wearing this jewelry.

Maa is also very happy because Sara and Janhvi like the gifts that Maa gave.
Then Premm also joined us, showing us the clothes that I bought for Premm.

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