9. Shiv❤, Raj and proposal💖

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Sara pov.

Today bhai invited me and Janhvi to meet with clients in the meeting room.
Some people had gathered in the meeting room and waited.

Shortly after that the client referred to bhai had arrived.
Janhvi and I looked at each other, then bhai introduced us to the client.

Karan: Mr. Shiv introduce, this is my sister Sara and Janhvi, they work in the design department.

Shiv: Hi sar ... hi jan ... How are you guys? (Shiv gives his hand.)

Sara & Janhvi: Hi Shiv .. We are good?
And what about you?

Shiv: I'm good too .. I really miss you guys.
"Shiv embraced Sara and Janhvi, making both of them shocked at the action, and of course the bhai was also shocked"

Then bhai Ask "do you know each other". I told bhai that Shiv was a big brother, we used to know each other in the US.

Then we begin the meeting.
After the meeting, Janhvi and I met Shiv, and we talked. Me and Janhvi also invited Shiv to come home.

Shiv: Alright, I have to go now. Next time we will meet.
See you sara, see you jan ...

Shiv left me and Janhvi, memories of a few years back I remember.
When me, Janhvi and Tara spent time together, we laughed together, and talked about women's business.
But now it's different tare has left us ..
I realized from my mind again when Janhvi invited me to go home soon..

Prem pov.

I came out of the room, maa was sitting in front of the TV and asked "where are you going ??",
I will go to the house of rahul. Then I left, maa.

I arrived at Rahul apartment and as usual the door to the apartment was not locked and I immediately entered.
Damn !!!! I saw Rahul with a woman doing something.
Then Rahul looked at me.

Rahul: just bother me !!
"The woman left the rahul"

Rahul: good bye honey.
"Then they kissed"

Prem: why do I always leave the door unclosed.

Rahul: I forgot.

Prem: let's hurry we have to go to the office.

We went to the office, after finishing work in the office Rahul asked me to go for a drink.

Rahul: come on, you can choose the woman you like here. We will have fun.

Rahul and I drank and played with the women in the club, we chose women who were not women who were touched by just anyone.
After finishing the fun, Rahul and I left the club.

I go home at night, go into my room, maa ask me where. I replied that I had just spent time with Rahul, maa leaving me alone and I fell asleep.

Karan POV.

A marriage proposal was sent to Janhvi, the proposal came from an ordinary family but it looks like the man who applied was a good man.
I will first ask Janhvi whether he wants or not?

I went home and call Janhvi, Kusum, Sara and Kavita to my room.

Karan: So I want to talk about something serious, there is a proposal that came for Janhvi, this proposal came from an ordinary family but it seems like he's a nice guy.

I showed the photo to Janhvi and Janhvi gave the photo of the young man to Sara.

Sara: isn't this raj khanna ??😯

Karan: You also know this man.

Sara: We know him bhai, he's our friend in high school and he always liked Janhvi. And he has promised one day he will apply for Janhvi. And now he fulfills his promise.
Waahhhhh .. He's the perfect partner for you jan.!!!!!!!!

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