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3 young girls settled in the US for their college, 3 girls are 21 years old, they are from india.
Sara, Janhvi and tara. They are both from India.

Sara and Janhvi are cousins ​​as well as best friends, then they meet with Tara at the lecture.
The three of them became close and very close.
They always spend time together.

US is a city that is free of association between men and women as well as same-sex people there, it is common, unlike in their country.

Tonight the three of them plan to go to the club, with their girlfriends.
Tara is dating Rahul, Sara is dating Prem, both Indians and Janhvi is dating US Sam.
Rahul and Prem, they both are friends.

The three of them are already in the club.
The music was beating fast, the colorful light illuminated the entire room in the club, tara, sara and janhvi they began to drink and began dancing with their respective partners. They really like this, because in their place of origin they are not free like here.
Brand started to get drunk.

Tara : Isn't this fun?

Janhvi : Of course, we cannot do this where we come from.

Sara : yes, you're right jan and if bhai knows we are doing this surely bhai will scold us.

"The three of them laughed, tara was very cool with rahul, then they started kissing"

Sarav : hey jan, where's tara ???

Janhvi : He must be with Rahul.

"Tara and rahul are trapped in their own world, enjoying fun, uniting love"

'Sara and Janhvi go home delivered by prem, then they fall asleep'

Janhvi POV.

The sunlight came through the window of the room, the morning wind began to blow I woke up with a headache, last night I drank quite a lot. I went to the kitchen and made two glasses of lemon water, one for me and one for Sara, it was still 10 am and I had 30 minutes to get ready to go to campus.
I prepare breakfast and then I wake up Sara.

Janhvi: Sara, we must hurry to go to college !!
Fast wake.

Sara: My head is dizzy.

Janhvi: Get up, I've made lemon juice for you, we have to get ready. Or we will be late !!
"I went to take a shower and left Sara"

We arrived at campus and started to take classes, we were in the same class.

After completing several classes, as usual sara met the prem. Prem is Sara's first love on campus and sara is crazy about him. Hfffff ...

I was a mosquito between them, two lovers who were intoxicated by romance. they talk like there's no me near them.

Sara and I returned home at night. We are not renting a house here, this is our own house bhai gives us a home.
We invite tare to come
Me and Sara started cooking food for dinner.
Tara reached home at night with a sad face.

Sara : what's wrong with you tara ??
Why do you look sad ??

Tara: my brother knows my relationship with rahul
Janhvi: how come? And where was I last night?

Tara: last night I slept in the place of the rahul.

Sara : what ??? what do you do there??
"Sara looked at me with surprise, I was also shocked by the words of tare"

Tara: I did something fun there, then in the morning, Rahul took me home. And brother saw me with rahul.

Janhvi: after all you know, that your brother doesn't like rahul, then why do you ...
"I don't know what to say"

Sara: Never mind, we invite you here to have fun, not sad, let's hurry and go eat.

We then went to eat, and after that told us about our boyfriend, then tare home.

Janhvi: Sara, I don't believe what Tara said.

Sara: Never mind that it's a private matter, we can't interfere too much with.

Janhvi: you're right !!

Sara: Now go to sleep, tomorrow we have morning class, or we will be late getting up and being punished by the lecturer.

Janhvi: good, good night sara.

Sara: good night jan.

Sara and I went to sleep, we slept soundly. And our next days are filled with exams.


The beginning has come out, share your opinion about this story. I hope you like this story.

And are you waiting for the next chapter ??
the next chapter will come out tomorrow ...

IG : @saraseputarbolly

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