6. Give birth🤰

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At dinner, Sara felt her stomach cramp. But he did not tell anyone.
After that Sara and Janhvi returned to the room, Sara felt her stomach ache. Sara went to the bathroom but the pain in her stomach continued to increase, Sara went to Janhvi.

Janhvi POV.

Sara and I will go to sleep, Sara is in the bathroom.
Then he left the bathroom in pain.

Janhvi : (panic), what happened?

Sara : My stomach hurts Jan, it hurts !! (Sara holds the stomach.)

Janhvi : It looks like you will give birth, wait a minute I will call bhai and bhabhi.

Janhvi goes to call karan, kavita, and kusum. And they hurried off to Sara room.

Kusum : We must immediately bring Sara to the hospital. She wants to give birth.

They go to the hospital, sara in the car along with karan, kusum, kavita and janhvi.
Karan was driving frantically, he was very worried about Sara.
They reached the hospital in 20 minutes. Then Sara was immediately taken to the delivery room.

Everyone waited in panic. Kusum and Kavita pray to God that Sara and her baby will be congratulated, karan she is just pacing back and forth in front of the delivery room. And janhvi he cried.

After some time, the doctor came out of the delivery room.
Karan immediately faced the doctor. The doctor who handles Sara is the Sharma family doctor so he already knows Sara.

Doctor : Congratulations Mr. Sharma, the baby is a boy, Sara and the baby is also healthy. It's just that Sara situation is still weak.

Karan : thank you doctor, can I see him ??

Doctor : Only two people can enter.

Then karan and kusum enter to meet sara, karan cries seeing sara condition. She could not pay for her sister who had always been holding her now as a mother, and sara had to endure the pain at a young age.

Karan : He must be in pain.

Kusum : We must not look sad in front of Sara, we must strengthen.
Sara's future is still long, and he must reach all his dreams.

Karan : You are really a kusum, I must not be sad in front of Sara, I must look strong.

After that, the nurse carries a tiny baby in the presence of kusum and karan.
Karan and Kusum are very happy to see the little baby in front of him.

Kusum : Isn't he very handsome ?? "Kusum holding a baby, and facing toward karan"

Karan : he's like me.
"Karan laughed"

Then Sara got up, and she held the baby, karan and Kusum stared with emotion at Sara. But both of them must look strong in front of Sara.


Sara is home from the hospital.
Sara is very happy with the birth of her baby.
Karan gave the name "Yash" to the baby.
Naina doesn't want to be separated from yash, naina is very happy ...

Kavita and Kusum also care for Yash with love.
Sara and Janhvi will remain here for one month, after which they will continue their studies.
But not in the US, Karan has planned everything, he wants the best for the future of Janvi and Sara so karan decided, Sara and Janhvi will continue their studies in Australia, and people will watch over them.
Sara and Janhvi agree with that.
This month Sara and Janhvi spend their time with Yash, the brand having fun.
Karan is also very happy, sara will
Continuing his life he will achieve all the dreams he wanted since childhood.

Actually, Sara was very sad to leave Yash, but he had to do it. This is for the good of sara and he doesn't want to disappoint bhai, family and his parents.

Now he must earnestly achieve all his dreams, Janhvi is also always beside Sara.

Kusum : are you ready for all this?
Sara I must be ready bhabhi, I will not repeat mistakes.
I will not disappoint bhai, and family.

Kusum : I will treat yash like my child.

Sara : I trust you bhabhi, you will care for her with great affection.

Janhvi : We have to finish college, after that we can spend a lot of time with Yash.

Sara : It's only been a while, and everything will improve.

Kusum : You are strong women, surely you can get through this.

Sara & Janhvi : Thank you Bhabhi, for being the best for us.

Sara and Janhvi spend their days, then they leave for Australia.



Life is a choice, But fate determines.

Happy reading😍😍 do not hesitate to give me advice and criticism for the better future😉😉😉.

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