7. India

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Car horn sound is very loud in the ear. And the voice woke sara and janhvi. It was the horn of Sara and Janhvi's bodyguard car.
Every morning they are awakened by the sound of car horns.
Karan hired a bodyguard to guard and oversee Sara and Janhvi.

In lectures Sara and Janhvi often take part in fashion shows, they both design the clothes.
They have new friends in Australia. And they began to enjoy life there.

Kusum and Kavita take care of Yash like a child of their own brand, and every day Sara and Janhvi call asking how yash is. "Sara and Janhvi finished their studies in two years, finished their studies working in a company owned by a friend in Australia, the company is engaged in fashion"

Sara really likes her work,
Actually Sara wants to go back to India, but he wants to prove to Bhai that he can.


Kusum: karan, may I say something.

Karan: let's say Kusum.

Kusum: I want you to ask Sara to come back here.

Karan: I want that too.

Kusum: You have to convince Sara and Janhvi to go home.

Karan: I will convince them.
"Karan called Sara"

Sara Pov.

Janhvi and I are at the cafe, now lunch time, so me and Janhvi go to eat.
My phone rang, and it was a call from bhai, I picked up the call bhai.

Sara: hello bhai

Karan: hello sara, how are you and janhvi, are you all doing well?

Sara: We're good bhai, me and Janhvi are having lunch.

Karan: bhai doesn't want to be polite, bhai wants you two to go home.

Sara: But bhai!!

Karan: Come on Sara, forget what happened, you and Janhvi will work here. Anyway, yash always asks you guys.
Bhai doesn't want to know, you guys have to go home. And bhai has contacted the owner of the company where you work that you and Janhvi will stop so hurry home.

Sara: ok bhai.
"Karan hung up the phone"

Janhvi: bhai want us to go home? "Janhvi puts food in his mouth"

Sara: yes, and bhai has told the company owner.

Janhvi: Finally I went home, and I really miss Yash.

Sara: Alright let's quickly finish the food, after that we ask for a resignation letter.

Janhvi: And we will pack, then we will go home, yeeeeyyyyyy.

Sara: come on jan, you can scream at home. Many people here.

Then Sara and Janhvi went to the office, they said goodbye to friends, and all the people they knew there.

Janhvi: I will miss Australia a lot.

Sara: Me too, but I miss Yash more.

Janhvi: If I get married, I'm going to honeymoon here. What do you think??

Sara: Good idea, but where is your partner ??

Janhvi: I will ask bhai to find a candidate for me. After I get married you will either get married, or we will get married together.

Sara: Never mind Jan, I don't want to get married.
"Sara's expression is sad"

Janhvi: Sara, do you still love Premm? "Sara just kept quiet, Sara continued to pack the things and didn't answer Janhvi's questions
Sadness radiated on Sara's face, "I shouldn't have asked that to Sara" Janhvi said.

Janhvi: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad.
"Janhvi hugs Sara and apologizes"

Sara: Never mind, let's pack up quickly, after that we can go home soon.

They packed their belongings, and took care of some of the remaining necessities and then after everything was finished they left for the airport.


Please give input for this story🙏🙏❤

Happy reading😊😊

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