10. engagement🌸

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Janhvi and Raj engagement has been held and the two families have agreed that the marriage will take place in 1 month.

Preparations began, Sara and Janhvi called their close friends, Kavital also called her family.

Kavita: jan, may I invite my family ??

Janhvi: of course bhabhi, they are also my family, so please ...

Kavita: Thank you Jan.

Naina is very happy because grandfather and grandmother will come

Sara: Jan we also have to invite Shiv, he must be very happy.

Janhvi: Of course, he is like a brother to us. Do you remember we used to often avoid it and tare always got angry over what we did. Unfortunately tare has left us. "Janhvi's face becomes sad sad"

Sara: He is always with us jan, tare is in our hearts. He must be very happy to know you are getting married.

Then Yash came between the two of them, Yash climbed on the bed and played with Sara and Janhvi.

Then Yash came between the two of them, Yash climbed on the bed and played with Sara and Janhvi

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Kusum and Kavita also join them and they are talking about clothes that Janhvi will wear.

Prem POV.

Maa told me and paa to immediately go home. I thought that maa would know you with a girl.

When I drive home, I always tease me because I never stop finding me a girl, although in the end I will refuse.
Me and paa have arrived at home.

Dimple: Kavita just called that her sister-in-law is getting married,
And he invited all of us to come.

Anil: good news, so when is the wedding ??

Dimple: One more month, but we will leave tomorrow, because we will help prepare for the wedding there.

Prem: come on ma, surely there will be very boring.😒

Anil: there will be very fun premm.

Dimple: Right premm, you will really like it. Hurry up and get ready.

Kavita is an adopted child and their dimple adopts kavita from an orphanage, and distinguishes kavita as their child.

Janhvi POV.

Sara and I contacted and asked shiv to come to my wedding.
Sara and I also sent several invitations to our close friends.

After that we went to the office to complete some work that had not yet been completed.

But bhai asked me and sara to go home, because a lot of preparations would be made at home.
I put my body on the bed then I don't know when I fall asleep.
I woke up when someone shook my body, oh my god I just fell asleep and now someone woke me up.

Janhvi: what's up why did you wake me up ??

Sara: I have something for you?

Janhvi: what is that?

Sara: close your eyes, if I tell you to open your eyes then you open.

Janhvi: ok!!.

I closed my eyes, then Sara told me to open my eyes.
He gave me a very beautiful pair of earrings.

He gave me a very beautiful pair of earrings

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Janhvi: This is so beautiful, Sara!

Sara: do you like it ??

Janhvi: absolutely. Where did you get this ??

Sara: I made the design, then I went to the craftsman to make you this earring. Do you like it ??

Janhvi: Of course I like it, you are very talented in my voice.
Thank you very much..😍😍

Sara: That is nothing compared to what you have given me, you always strengthen me jan, you're always on the side.

Janhvi: I will always be there for you Sara, and for Yash. I will stay with you guys.

We hugged for a few minutes then kavita bhabhi called us, today we will go to raj's house for some business.

Prem POV.

I called Rahul.

Prem: can we meet at the club ??

Rahul: is of course a plum, I'll arrive in 15 minutes.

I drive the car and go to the club. Rahul was waiting for me there. We sat in the IP room and ordered drinks.
What's wrong, Rahul? Why do you look boring ??

Prem: I will go to delhi, sister in law didi will get married and we are invited.

Rahul: You can have fun there premm.

Prem: Maa will definitely introduce me to many girls there.

Rahul: You can enjoy the girls.

Prem: You're right, why didn't I think of that.

Then Rahul and I drank and as usual Rahul spent the night having fun and playing with some of the women at the club. I left Rahul and chose to go home.
Get home I sleep and clean for tomorrow's trip.


What do you think about premm and sara ??

I hope you like this chapter and thank you for your love ..... ❤❤❤ Happy reading.


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