32. ❤❤

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Sara Pov.

I was surprised by the sudden embrace of aunt Dimple Tang, then aunt dimple left with a smile on her face, I knocked on the door and
Premm opens it.

Premm: Yash is sleeping.

Sara: I know, aunt Dimple told me.

I entered Premmroom and took yash in my arms, I immediately left Premm's room, but before I left.
Premm stopped me.

Premm: Sara wait ... !!!

Sara: What's up Premm?.

Premm: I want to talk about something.

Sara: talk.

Premm: Tomorrow afternoon I will return to mumbai so before I go back to mumbai I want to take you somewhere.

Sara: somewhere?

Premm: Please don't refuse.

Sara: alright then, tomorrow after lunch you can pick me up at the office.

Premm: Really ...?

Sara: Yes.

Then I immediately left
Premm, and go back to my room.

Premm pov.

I rushed to pick up sara as it was already lunch time, maa had already told paa about this matter and paa was a little angry with me, i will convince her later, i didn't want to be late picking sara so i immediately went to karan bhai office.

I waited for Sara in the parking lot, then Sara came and got into the car, I invited Sara to have lunch and there were just awkwardness between us.
After eating I asked Sara to go somewhere and I've been planning this since yesterday, I walked beside Sara.

Sara: Why did you invite me here?

Premm: Just come along and you will find out.

Sara walked a little away beside me, leaving space between me and Sara, we climbed one by one the stairs and finally arrived at the temple.

We both pray and this is the moment.
I asked for God's blessing and brushed a red mark on his forehead.

Sara opened her eyes to look at me with an angry and questioning look. "What are you doing, you shouldn't be doing this" she erased the red mark and I held his hand.

"You are my wife now and always will be" I replied.

Tears fell from her eyes and it made me sick. I know I am selfish by doing this to her but I have no other way, she is mine and will always be mine. I also believe that he still loves me.

"What will bhai say" she said.

"I will talk to him, we have to think about yash, I know you still love me sara and so do I. When you say that you are pregnant I am really devastated, I feel not ready and at that moment I heard the news that didi and her family died. in a plane crash. I tried to meet you I have changed your mind, I will not let you abort your birth and take responsibility for what I did. But you have left new york, I looked for your address in india but all your friends do not know. I'm right -really sorry for what I have done .. I'm sorry, I'll fix everything" I said and I hugged her.

Then I took her home and during the trip home she just kept quiet .. Surely she thought about bhai. When I got home I took her hand and saw us with everyone gathered in the living room and karan bhai also joined. Her eyes fixed on the red mark on Sara forehead and her eyes were wide with anger, she walked over to me and grabbed my collar.

"It must be you who have done this to him" Karan bhai points at sara.

"And sara why do you want" said Karan Bhai with a disappointed look at him.

"Because she loves me. We both love each other bhai .. She is my wife now" I said and everyone was shocked.

"Sara said you don't love her" said bhai. Then appa came to me and slapped me.

"What are you doing, you have humiliated your surname and .." before Appa could continue the sentence I interrupted.

"Yash is my son paa, we were lovers in New York and I impregnated him" I said.

Amma and appa were shocked to hear that as well as kavita didi. "Premm what are you saying" said amma.

"That's the truth ma, and now she is my wife, we will raise yash together" I said firmly.

"Sara said you didn't love
Premm!" Karan bhai said this time in a loud and angry voice.

"I-I'm trying not to love him bhai, I'm trying to forget you but I can't ... I still love him ... I love him" sara sobbed sobbing and karan bhai was surprised to hear his statement.

Kusum bhabhi comes near sara and hugs her. "Karan let them be together, they love each other. It's also for yash's good, you can give second chance to Premm" says kusum bhabhi speaks and karan bhai's eyes soften.

"I can't do anything more now, sara has become his wife. Although actually I'm not willing but I will give this person a chance, and if he wasted that opportunity I will finish him with my own hands" karan bhai leaves the living room.

"Thank you bhai. I will not waste this opportunity. I promise to take care of it" I shouted a little so that Karan Bhai could hear.


Three years later.

"Mumma, mumma" yash is pulling sara shirt.

"Yes yash" Sara replied, she sat on a chair reading a book, stroking her growing belly.

We are both happy to have this marriage, I have also brought Sara to Mumbai and Bhai has also blessed our marriage.

It wasn't easy to convince karan bhai, but I tried my best to convince him that I would take care of his sister.
One year after our wedding kavita didi had an accident and she died. It makes our family sad. Now that we have risen, karan bhai lives with kusum and naina too.

Sara's second pregnancy has entered the age of six months and it makes me very happy. When she first told her that she was pregnant I was really happy and yash too, she will soon become a big brother.

Yash sits beside sara on the bed. "Mumma is the sister moving in there" yahs asked curiously.

Yash sits beside sara on the bed. "Mumma is the sister moving in there" yash asked curiously.

"Of course honey" replied sara. I also sat beside her and now yash is in the midst of us. Sara took yash's hand as well as mine and she put our hands on her belly bag. I felt something move in his stomach and it made me emotional ... Feelings of sadness mixed with happiness, soon I will be a father for the second time.

This woman beside me is everything, my happiness, my love, my strength, the pillars of my life. I couldn't expect better than this. "Thank you honey, I love you" I kissed her forehead and she still blushed even though we were married.

"I love you too" she replied.

"Papa and mumma don't love me" yash starts putting on a sullen face and we both laugh.

"Papa and mumma love you yash, we love you too your brother who is in mumma's stomach" I explained to yash. And the three of us hugged.
There is nothing more beautiful and precious than family. Family is everything..


Hello everyone, sorry it took such a long update .. This is the end of this story and I hope you will enjoy it.

thanks to those of you who have read this story and I am writing a new book right now. love greetings from me ..

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