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Janhvi POV.

Sara awakened me from sleep.
I freshen up and go to the dining room for breakfast.
Sara also takes breakfast at the dinner table.

I see Premm continuing to look at Sara and it seems like Sara is uncomfortable with that.
After breakfast Sara played with Yash in the room.

Today I plan to invite Sara to go for a walk so that Sara can be a little calm and at least he doesn't meet Premm at home.
Me and Sara are getting ready then Kusum Bhhabhi calls me and Sara.

Kusum: someone wants to meet you.
Janhvi: who is bhabhi ??
"I'm curious who wants to meet me and sara"

Kusum: he is talking with karan in the living room, karan asks me to call you guys.

Janhvi: Alright our bhabhi is coming soon.

Me and Sara went to the living room, and that was Shiv, there were also premm and bhai, then something crossed my mind.

Janhvi: hi shiv, you must have waited a long time. We are ready so let's go.
"Shiv and sara are confused by what I'm doing, I want to laugh at their confused expressions
Then I pulled sara and Shiv"

Karan: So Mr. Shiv you want to meet both of them ??

Before shiv answer, I answered bhai.

Janhvi: Of course, Bhai, we will take a walk so goodbye Bhai.

I immediately took them out and got into Shiv's car, I told shiv to go to the restaurant. We will talk there, Sara just kept quiet.
After reaching the restaurant we sat in a corner and ordered something. Shiv asks me and Sara something.

Shiv: why are you taking me ??

Janhvi: I have a reason for that
Shiv !!

Shiv: wait a moment, who is the man sitting next to the karan, it looks like I've seen him.

Janhvi: He is Premm, and of course you have seen him.
"Before I continue I looked at Sara to ask permission to tell Shiv and Sara nodded"
Premm is sara boyfriend, she's a rahul friend. Back in the US we used to go to clubs together. "Shiv listens seriously"
Then Sara became pregnant and she told Sara to abort the womb, just like Rahul did with Tara.
But Sara kept the baby in her stomach and then we returned to India. short story sara gave birth and baby sara was taken care of by kusum bhabhi then we continued to study in australia, since then sara did not want to meet or get in touch with Premm. And now Premm is in our house, premm is the younger brother of kavita bhabhi.

Shiv: Damn men, they easily order abort innocent babies.

Janhvi: We don't want Premm to know that Yash is his son.
"Hearing my story there was anger in Shiv's eyes, he must have felt lost and thought of tara"

Shiv: yash ?????

Sara: yes Shiv, yash is my child ...
I don't want Premm to know about yash. He used to easily tell me to tell me to abort so I will keep yash away from Premmn.

Then the waiter came to bring our order and we ate then
Shiv took us home.
Sara and I entered the room and we felt the need to take a nap.
Kusum bhabhi woke us up immediately to go to the temple.
Sara and I got ready immediately, I was a little relieved because Premm did not go to the temple he chose to stay at home.

Prem pov.

Rahul will come today so I will pick you up at the airport.
Everyone goes to the temple, I go to the room to change clothes, then I see the room's door open and I think it's Sara's room because at that time I saw Sara was here with a boy.

I entered the room hesitantly, and I guess this was Sara's room, I could smell the same perfume that lavender was his favorite. I smiled remembering.
Many photos on the wall and then my eyes fixed on the photo of the boy on the table, and one photo that was stuck on the wall was a photo of Sara and Janhvi and also a boy, who exactly was this boy ?? I ask myself. Then rahul sent me a message that soon he would land, I left the room and picked up rahul.

I brought Rahul home and it seems like everyone has returned from the temple.
I introduce rahul to Didi and Bhai
Dimple: rahul, are you here ??

Rahul: yes auntie, I just came.

Maa hugs Rahul and asks many things to her. Then didi bring rahul to the room.
I still haven't seen Sara and Janhvi. I'm still curious who that little kid is.

Everyone gathered at the dinner table for dinner Sara and Janhvi were surprised to see Rahul and Rahul were also surprised to see them.
After dinner I invited Rahul to my room.

Rahul: What I just saw was Sara and Janhvi.

Premm: what you see is real rahul, sara and janhvi are in front of you.

Never mind now go to sleep, we will talk about this tomorrow.

Sara POV.

We just came back from the temple, I brought yash with me, I put yash to sleep and I also slept.

Everyone had gathered at the dining table then I saw Rahul sitting next to Premm, I was very surprised I looked at Janhvi and he was as surprised as me.

After eating I returned to the room and talked with Janhvi.
What exactly is Premm planning, now he brings rahul here.
Then bhabhi calls us both to try on some dresses.
There is also aunt dimple. I tried a blue dress, it's a long dress with open sleeves.
Then Janhvi also tried a pink dress, it was perfect for her.

Dimple: You are very suitable to wear this shirt.

Sara: Thank you auntie.

Then I went to my room and saw that Yash was awake. I brought yash to the park and we both looked at the stars. Janhvi came to bring tea and snacks for us and Kusum Bhhabhi also joined.

We told a story to Yash until Yash fell asleep then I took me to the room.
When I went to my room I ran into Premm, I pretended not to notice and hurried away.
His gaze fixed on yash, he must be
Wonder. But I decided not to think too much about me choosing to sleep because tomorrow was a busy day.


Hi everyone, I will update the COMPLETE TRUST
story soon and will retain the Sushan character as Rajo❤❤.

I hope you like it. don't forget to vote and comment on this story😊


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