3. pregrnant

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Tara invites Janhvi and Sara to meet at the restaurant as usual

Tara : I invited you here because I wanted to say something !!

Janhvi : what are you talking about tar, it's really important!

Sara : Do you want to buy us ??
"Sara smiled happily"

Tara : So it became, so it was like this. Actually I'm pregnant ...

Sara & Janhvi : What ??????????😳😳
"The two of them are shocked to hear the words of tare"

Sara : are you serious ???
Janhvi he must be kidding sar,
"Janhvi laughs"

Tara : I'm really pregnant and I'm 1 month pregnant.

Janhvi : You're crazy, who did it with you ???

Sara : is Rahul ???

Tara : I did it with Rahul
"Tara is crying"

Janhvi : Don't cry tar, did you tell rahul ??

Tara: I already told him, and he told me to abort.

Sara: he's crazy !!! Will you abort it ??

Tara : I have no other choice, my future is still far away, and Rahul does not want to be responsible for this, so I will abort.

Janhvi : We can find another way to tar.

Tara : what other way ??
"Tara raised her voice, making diners look at them". This is the best way.
Alright then I have to go.

Tara leaves Sara and Janhvi.


Sara and Janhvi are already in their house.
Since returning from the restaurant Sara just kept quiet.

Janhvi : what's wrong with you?

Sara : I only think about tara.
And what if I'm also pregnant.

Janhvi : You're right, what if you ... "Before Janhvi finished sara cut Janhvi's words"

Sara : I'll check!!!!!!!......

Janhvi: yes, you have to check it right away.

Sara and Janhvi go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test.

Janhvi POV.

I waited for Sara outside the bathroom, "what is he doing inside, why is it taking so long ??"
I knocked on the door.

Janhvi: sara, are you ok ??
"There was no answer from Sara, and I was very worried"

The door opened and Sara left the bathroom.

Janhvi: how did it go ???????
"Sara handed over the pregnancy test kit to me".
You're pregnant .. !!!

Sara: (nodded)😔

I was scared, confused, shocked that all became one. I was angry at myself for not being able to look after my sister, and I was angry at sara why he couldn't take care of himself.😖😖

Janhvi : what are we going to say to bhai ?? You have to tell the plremm!!

Sara : I'll tell you tomorrow.

Janhvi: Now let's go to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and got the news that tara was hospitalized. Sara and I immediately went to the hospital.

We were there to meet the older brother, he said that tar lost a lot of blood because of drinking something.

"he must have taken an abortion"

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