chapter 9

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I been worried about El the whole day. It was 10 clock I was hopping class would end soon so I can talk to her I miss her. Today in class I heared from corner over there was Stacy who Dustin likes now she likes me great. When class end Stacy and her group went up to me. "Hi Mike do you what to have ice cream today?" "Asked Stacy." "No thanks." "Said Mike." I close my locker before she said anything else I walk away. Lunch had started I wait for El to show up. She did I was happy the same way she came as this morning but in good mood.She frist gave me a hug I didn't want to let go of her at all I was worried I was going to lose her again. "Get a room." "Said Lucas." That's when Lucas ruins the moment. El hug everyone of the party went to walk with Max. I told her the time to meet me at so we can sort this little problem out. When I was talking to the boys I heared Stacy and her friends scarm at the lunch line I though mabye El got her powers back and didn't realize it. So I see El leaving with max with there lunch freaking out becuse they didn't know either. Lunch had ended I told El meet me bye the lockers she did. "Was it you who did it?" "Asked Mike." "No becuse I would know." "Said El." "Look El my mom is to worried about what would In the basement that's why we can't do happy scarms that's partly why I looking at the time so I don't get in trouble." "Said Mike." "Oh speaking of your mom she said that when you get home we have to either go movies or get ice cream or hangout with the party becuse she will be out untile late." "Said El." "We can go see movie just you and me I promise El. "Said Mike." I was waiting for response. I was hopping we can be past about my time the basement and not argue about it. "Sure." "Said El." When she said that made me happy. I gave her the biggest hug and kiss her lips. She kiss me back but a feeling I have felt before and I like it. I let her go she asked me the biggest question I never Believe. "Hey Mike if you and I were not together would you date Stacy? "Asked El." "No I never would date a Stacy I always thought you. Your my everything El." "Said Mike." She kiss me again and they time we were alone school but she pull away untile my bell ringed. "Well I'm going back to your house and wait for you." "Said El." "That's fine." "Said Mike." Before she walked away the principal came again but in me and El's Direction. "Should you to be in class." "Said principal Adam Akins." "I don't go here rember I'm only visiting." "Said El." "She was just leaving sir." "Said Mike." When we walked away from the principal. I saw what El was saying his eyes were brown and turn red oh boy don't tell me the upside down is coming back.

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