chapter 11

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I thought mabye my mom will kill me for being basement to long but I did get a snack. I hear my mom come down stairs I thought I was dead." Sense me and dad were fighting I'm going to let go you past the time." "Said Karen." "Sorry mom I forgot." "Said Mike." "Hey you don't have to see the lights becuse holly didn't behave so you either take El to go see movie or hangout with the party." "Said Karen." I went bed and thought about it. I Walkie-talkie Lucas to see if me and El can join there little hangoit with Dustin and meet Susie for the frist time. He said yeah I can go there still room for me and for El. Me and El got ready to meet up the party. We didn't see Susie we wonder what happen. "Oh damn it stupid snow they cancel her flight." "Said Dustin." "Mabye there be next year." "Said Lucas." We sat down El had her head on my shoulder. I wanted to be alone with her but it's to hard. My mom didn't us alone at home. And my friends always have to be around great. The party felt to cold to be outside so did I El to she just didn't say anything how cold she is. When we lefted did wanted to look in Forest sicne I was there we went and see Hopper's house getting remodeled. "What's going to happen with my stuff and Hopper stuff?" "Asked El." "They either sell it or throw it out. "Said Mike." "Hop never clean I don't know how they going to sell it like that." "Said El curiously." "Well they clean up the house and they put a sign for sell." "Said Mike." We walk out of the Forest it was 7:00 clock two more hours to spent time together. We went to Hopper old job we see new officer that's didn't do his job as well as Hopper. "So if there no Hopper that means they can replace him?" "Asked El." "Yeah they can do that." "Said Mike." We walk back to my house and we went down to basement. It was 8:00 clock and we still had time. We made out but longer time my mom never went to basement. There was no dinner so we took A vanish of not Eatting dinner and kiss. It was 9:00 clock I promise El I come back for more for Christmas. She gave me one least one I go up basement. My mom was making coffee and still fighting with my dad but I am not going to ask what happen. "I have all your guys gift set up for you." "Said Karen." "What about hollys?" "Asked Mike." "No becuase she didn't behave yersday or today so no presents for her." "Said Karen." Wow holly has got in trouble this time to not get any presents. "Hey Mike." "Said Karen." "Yeah." "Said Mike." "You can have your friends over for Christmas if you want to." "Said Karen." "Yeah I will see. "Said Mike."

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