chapter 13

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As soon I am in class I though of El if she made it or not. I call the pay phone. Will had picked it up and said El still on the way back. I go home drop my bookbag call El. "Honey why are dropping your school bag on my couch?" "Asked Mike's mom angrily." "I pick that in minute." "Said Mike." Will has picked up again I talk for him Alittle bit and ale for El she still the bus. Becuse it will get there untile 12.00 in morning. So I have to wait untile midnight great I got my bookbag from the couch did my homework. My mom had called us for dinner I went for dinner and thought of El still. "How was school honey?" "Asked Mike's mom." "It good." "Said Mike." "That's good." "Said Mike's mom." "Nancy lefted again with Jonathan?" "Asked Mike." "Yeah at same time as El was going to bus station." "Said Mike's mom." I nodded I waited untile mindnight. I called again and will answered on 3rd ring. "Hey have El made it back home?" "Asked Mike." "Yeah she did she went to bed." "Said Will." Even tho Will telling me this I felt happy I hang up with Will and went to bed. I woke up the next day and still thought of El. I went to school it was Friday I love Fridays. But it suck becuse I had homework. I call tried call El one more time. Reach for Will again. "Hey is El home and not to busy?" "Asked Mike." "Yeah hold on for a minute." "Said Will." "Hello." "Said El." "Hey I'm glad you made it back safe." "Said Mike." "Yeah me to." "Said El." We talk for a while but she acted werid in that phone conversation. "I will be excited to come to your house for thanks giving." "Said Mike." "You can't come for thanksgiving." "Said El." "Why not." "Said Mike." "Hey Mike I need to go I have study for a huge test I will call later." "Said El." "Oh okay-." "Said Mike." But before he could finish on the phone El had hanged up. I go on a bike ride to check out a movie from stevie. He didn't work in ice cream place anymore since the mall thing. When I am looking at the movies I see a girl come in she was dark and trying to get one of her guys kill Stevie and Robin. I hide becuse she could kill me. As soon as one hit where I was at it was a big guy he passed me without shotting me the cops had came and the girl turn her and her friends in visible. I found out then she was anther El. I got Stevie and Robin out of the rental movies. The cops question them and me also. The case is drop but they were looking for the girl. I go on my bike to Lucas house. And he saw me with shook face he and I went up stairs I told him about the El thing frist then about the movie rental. "Dude your just missing El." "Said Lucas." "Well what about why didn't want to talk to me?" "Asked Mike." "Mabye you break up with her again to see what happens." "Said Lucas." "I'm not losing her again for stupidity and anthe guys likes her at her school." "Said Mike." "Well let's all go to the movies and have fun tonight women free." "Said Lucas." "I give that one a try." "Said Mike." "That's the Spirit." "Said Lucas."

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