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(Jaehyun's POV)

We arrived at their base and went to our hiding positions until Taeyong tell us to move through his mic.


We all went out of our hiding spots and my team break the back door opened as we started shooting all the guards that were coming our way. Me and Lucas went down to the basement to see S.coups and Minghao guarding a door.

They noticed us and we begin fighting. S,coups versus me and Minghao versus Lucas. After a while, S.coups and Minghao were both on the ground groaning in pain. We went to the door that the 2 were guarding but it had a pass code on it.

"Taeil, I need you to hack door 127 on the basement right now."

Taeil:"Got it. Give me a minute."

We waited for Taeil to speak up again and after a minute, the door unlocked. We entered the room to see Y/n on the floor unconscious with bruises all over her face and body.

Lucas:"Oh My God, What did they do to her?"

My blood was boiling with anger.

"Taeil, ask Kun to get ready his medical supplies. We found Y/n."

I wasted no time and carried Y/n and ran back upstairs with Lucas in-front of me to see if there was anybody we needed to kill.

We made it to the van safely and I handed Y/n to Kun and we both went back into the base to fight them again.

(Kun's POV)

I was in the van with Jungwoo at the back seat with me and Taeil at the drivers seat when I saw Jaehyun coming towards as with Y/n in his hands. We opened the door for him and he gave Y/n to me.

We placed her at the back of the van and started treating her bruises.

(Time Skip)

After about a hour, everyone came back and went inside the van and took their seats, some with bruises and some with little cuts but no-one was hurt to badly besides Y/n.

Taeil:"So, how did it go?"

Ten:"We wanted to keep some of them alive but when Jaehyun arrived at the scene, he started killing everyone with no mercy. Then when S.coups and Minghao came from the basement, he stabbed them about 10 times in the stomach and heart."

Kun:"I understand why Jaehyun did that."

They all turned to me confused and stunned on why I would take Jaehyun's side. And I just pointed at Y/n at the back with her head on Jaehyun's lap and they all looked at her, shocked at how badly she got hurt.

(Chenle's POV)

When I looked at my sister, tears started forming in my eyes again. Winwin 哥(Big brother), who was sitting next to me notice my tears and pulled me into a hug as I started crying silently.

Winwin:"It's ok Chenle ah~ She's going to be fine. Kun 哥 already treated her wounds. She'll recover in no time. Atleast we have her back now, right?"

I nodded, my face still buried on his shoulder.

(Winwin's POV)

I let Chenle cry on my shoulder for a while, but he stopped crying suddenly and I felt something heavy on my shoulder.

I looked over to see Chenle asleep. He must've been tired since the last 2 nights, he hasn't been sleeping well.

I looked back to see Jaehyun hyung sleeping with his hand on Y/n's head. I decided to sleep too since it was a long journey back home.


(EXO doing the regular dance before it was even created.)


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