32:Fixing Pt.1

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(Jaehyun's POV)

Chenle:"First things first, we have to get her to leave the room because you are going to surprise her and explain to her about the incident but you are going to come up with that plan and we will just help you set it up. OK?"

Jaemin:"So, first off, what do you wanna do?"

Jaehyun:"Well, she once said that she loved bubble tea and aesthetic places. Maybe I should bring her to a cafe or something?"

Haechan:"That is too simple. We have to do something that comes from the heart."

Jeno:"Maybe we should make an aesthetic place in the backyard for you guys. And we can buy some treats and drinks."

"That's a good idea! Does anyone disagree with this idea?"

Chenle:"Nope, if you think it is a good idea, go for it."

"When do you wanna start?"

Jisung:"Maybe we should start by buying the stuff we need today then we can start tomorrow."

Chenle:"Ok then, I'll go tell Taeyong hyung we are going out. Jisung, you go tell Y/n 姐."


We separated and me and the 00 liners went to the my car.

(Time Skip)

We finished shopping and are heading back to the house. It was almost dinner time so we better hurry before everyone goes to the dining room or they will start asking question.

We arrived home after 5 minutes and we unloaded my car and brought all the things we bought into my room.

Then there was a knock on the door and we heard Taeyong hyung's voice on the other side of the door.

Taeyong:"Can I come in?"


He opened the door and closed it back once he entered. Then he looked at the floor and his eyes widen.

Taeyong:"How much things did you guys buy?"

Jaemin:"We bought a tent, some fairy lights, furry carpets, fake plants a table, two chairs and some roses, fake and real. In total the cost was 200 dollars."

Taeyong:"You guys are really going all out for this. Wonder how much you guys will spend for her proposal."

Haechan:"Of course we are and that is because we don't want to see Y/n noona sad anymore."

Renjun:"And also because we want her and Jaehyun hyung to get back together."

Taeyong:"You see Jaehyun, I told you we could fix this."

"Thank you guys. I don't what I would do without you guys."

Chenle:"Let's go eat dinner now. They might come up anytime to call us for dinner if we don't go downstairs."

Jisung:"Last one there is a rotten egg!!!"

The dreamies started running out of the room while me and Taeyong hyung look at their childish behaviour.

(Taeyong's POV)

I looked at Jaehyun and saw a tear escape from his eye.

"Why are you crying Hyunnie?"

Jaehyun:"I don't know why. Maybe it is because of the hard work you guys are putting in just for me and Y/n to be happy again. I love you guys."

Taeyong:"Aww, we love you too~ Now come on, let's go eat dinner."


Sorry for the late update. I will doing slow updates from now on because I just started school. I will try update as best as I can and as fast as I can.

 I will try update as best as I can and as fast as I can

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