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(Taeyong's POV)

I was in my office, still thinking of what to do with Rosè. The dreamies, Y/n and Jaehyun don't want her in the group but I don't know about the others.

Speaking of Jaehyun and Y/n, I wonder how Jaehyun's plan worked out. Well, only one way to find out.

I went outside of my office to see Jaehyun and Y/n entering the house holding hands.

I smiled and walked towards them.

"I see you guys worked things out~"

They smiled at me and nodded.

"Now when am I becoming the god-father of your child or children?"

Y/n's eyes widen and blushed while Jaehyun just stared at me with a 'Really?~' face.

Jaehyun:"We will talk about that another time, ok?"

"Alright alright, but I better be the god-father~"

Jaehyun:"Ok ok, just stop talking about that."

Y/n:"Anyway~ What have you been doing?"

"I have been thinking about kicking you know who off the team but I don't know what the others will think. I can't just kick her out because of a few people in the team who don't like her. I need a valid reason."

Jaehyun:"Give a few more days of thinking and if you still can't think about anything, call a meeting about it. Without her of course unless you want her there to directly tell her to leave."

I nodded and went back to my office after bidding them goodbye.

(a Few days later)

I still couldn't make up my mind. If I continue to think, I think my mind might explode. That's it, I'm calling a meeting.

I went to my desk and took out my microphone that connected to the speakers in all the rooms.

"Everyone please head to the meeting room right now."

(Jaehyun's POV)

Speaker:"Everyone please head to the meeting room right now."

I smiled at myself, knowing why we were going to the meeting room. I went to Y/n and held her hand and we both headed to the meeting room.

When we arrived, everyone was already there, even Rosè. She had a shock look on her face for a second when she saw me an Y/n together but she quickly removed it and replaced it with her fake smile.

I sat at my normal place and while Y/n sat next to me.

(A/n's POV)

Taeyong:"I have called you all here today because I need your opinion."

Yuta:"Are we going to have another girl member?"

Taeyong:"What made you think that?"

Yuta:"The last time you wanted our opinion, it was for if Y/n should join us so I was just assuming but I don't want a new girl member in the group. 2 is already to much."

Y/n:"Rude much~"

Yuta:"No offense, besides I wasn't talking about you."

Rosè:"So you were talking about me?!"

Yuta:"No I was talking about Dongsook.... Of course I was talking about you, dumbo."

Haechan:"Hey, how dare you insult Dongsook like that. Dongsook is the prettiest woman the ever live on this Earth."

(If you don't know, Dongsook is the girl version of Haechan. In pre-debut, Haechan dressed up like a girl and called 'her' Dongsook and now it is a fan inside joke.)

Taeyong:"Enough Yuta, I just need your opinion on rather Rosè should leave the group as some of our members wanted her out."

Rosè:"What?! You did this didn't you?!"

She looked at Y/n who just stared blankly at her. Not even a hint of fear or any emotion in her face.

Y/n:"So what if I did?! Your useless to the group anyways. You're to girly to be with use. You're just a burden to us."

Rosè:"Excuse me?!"

Renjun:"Are you deaf or can you not hear facts?"

Rosè:"You too?! Has she brainwash you guys?"

Jeno:"Shut up slut! Me, the dreamies, Y/n noona and Jaehyun hyung vote for her to be out."

Taeyong:"Ok, anyone else?"

Doyoung:"Well, she has been a bit clueless and useless in this team. She can't even succeed on her solo missions so I also vote her out."

The others also agreed with Doyoung.

Taeyong:"Well, even if I wanted to keep you in this group, which I don't, you still have to leave. So Park Chaeyoung, you have been fired from this group. You have one hour to pack everything and get out of here before we take you into the basment and torture you to death as you are no longer a member."

Rosè:"You did this, didn't you! You are the reason I can't-"

She stopped before she could say anymore and ran out of the meeting room and went inside her room to pack up.


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