Chapter 1

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Waking up in the morning is hard.

Especially if your name is Lee Minho.

To be fair, no one likes waking up and getting out of the comfort of their nice, warm bed. Still, if you also had to deal with the life that Lee Minho goes through every day, you would also roll over and pull the covers over your head, blocking out all of the light from the outside world.

He continues to lay there, contemplating telling his older brother that he simply cannot go to school today.

But then that would lead to his said brother asking him why not, and that wasn't a particular topic he wanted to bring up with the older male.

As he's laying there trying to succumb back into the sleepy abyss that he was so rudely taken out of, he hears his door slam open.

"Lee Minho, if you don't get your ass out of that bed and get ready for school, I'm going to come over there and get it out for you, and we both know you won't appreciate that." Bang Chan crosses his arms and stares at the lump under the covers wiggle, hearing a defiant groan come out of the boy.

Rolling his eyes, Chan then proceeds to walk over to the bed, take a deep sigh, and rips the large blanket off his younger brother.

You might be thinking, "Wait, if their brothers, why are their surnames Lee and Bang?" The answer is simple. Their mother had Chan a year before she met Minho's dad, Chan's biological father wanted nothing to do with the poor boy.

Chan ended up having his mother's maiden name. Even though Chan hasn't ever met his good-for-nothing sperm donor, he has no plans to ever find the man. He had his chance to be a part of his life, and he missed his chance.

Luckily for Chan, his mother ended up marrying Minho's dad. The man accepted her and her son, no questions asked, and raised Chan as if he were his own child. With him in his life, Chan never felt the need to seek out his biological father anyway.

There was even talk of adoption. That way, Chan could have the same name as the rest of his family before the accident happened.

Earlier this year, Chan and Minho's parents were walking home after a date night when they were hit by a drunk driver. They both died almost instantly, leaving their 2 boys alone in the world.

Chan ended up having to drop out of college, he was a music major and played for his college's soccer team, and he justified dropping out with a simple, "you don't have to have an education to make music," every time his younger brother tried to apologize for ruining his life.

Chan knew better than to blame his brother for it, but Minho constantly feels guilty anyway.

If he didn't exist, Chan could have continued in school, without the need to feed and clothe his younger brother.

Shaking his head to get out of his thoughts, Chan looks down at the boy in question, chuckling at the sight of Minho groaning and shoving his head under his pillow.

"Get up, you lazy piece of shit, and go to school." Minho groaned again, louder this time, and removed the pillow from his face, glaring at his brother.

"Don't call me a piece of shit, you piece of shit!" Huffing, Minho slowly pulled himself up into a seated position and rubbed his eyes.

"Come on, get your ass up or you're going to be late dude," Chan said, once again rolling his eyes at the younger, who groaned for the umpteenth time this morning. "Don't give me that, it's the first day back after the break and you're not skipping. I don't care what excuses you make, you're going to school."

With that, Chan walks out of the room, slamming Minho's door shut to further wake the boy.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP SLAMMING MY FUCKING DOOR ASS WIPE!" He yelled at his brother before sliding out of his bed and onto the floor. Pushing himself up, he made his way into his en-suite bathroom, scoffing at his reflection.

"You have the audacity to look this terrible, and yet you call yourself gay? Pathetic." Minho grumbles to himself, grabbing his toothbrush and proceeds to get on with his morning.

Once entirely ready for the day, Minho looks himself over in the mirror again.

"Ok, ok, not too shabby now, gay card reinstated." He tells himself, blowing an air kiss before turning and walking out of his room to the kitchen.

"Oh so you can function like a normal human," Chan snarked at Minho, who, in turn, rolled his eyes and flipped him off.

Chan laughs to himself, redirecting his focus down to what his brother had chosen to wear for the day.

"A crop top and barely-there shorts? Really Minho?" Not even turning around to face his brother Minho throws a peace sign over his shoulder and walks away.

Chan wonders where this confidence came from. Before this break, Minho barely even wore colors, let alone reveal any type of skin. Now, here he was, in a black t-shirt crop top that said "Baby" on it in sparkly pink letters, and itty bitty high waisted denim shorts. The pair of black converse on his feet was the most "authentic Minho" part of the outfit.

"It's his life, I'm not going to stop him, I just want to know what happened to my baby brother." Chan speaks to himself, getting up to grab his keys so he can drive Minho to school.

"So why the sudden style change? Did you finally get a boyfriend?" Chan questions once joining Minho in the car, interest spiking in the idea of someone maybe catching his brother's eye.

"No I don't have a boyfriend dumbass; no one wants a bad-mouthed, shitty freak like me." Minho snaps back at him, taking Chan by even more of a surprise with his attitude.

Now, they are brothers. It's never been completely tense free between them, but Chan would like to think they're closer than most siblings.

That all changed after the accident.

First, they lost their parents, then Chan had to move them to a different side of town to be able to afford the housing. That means that Minho has to lose all of his friends too.

Chan was the only person left in Minho's life. He thought that this would make them closer, but if anything, it drove them further apart.

"Damn, sorry for asking." Chan sarcastically apologized, turning the car on and backing out of the driveway.

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