Chapter 13

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~ a special chapter cause I feel bad for going mia for like 2 weeks~

Changbin was currently freaking out when Minho made it to their class for the day, what with Hyunjin being... Hyunjin?

Changbin had absolutely no idea why the tall (much taller than him) boy was looking at him the way he was. They hadn't really talked before.


That was mostly due to Changbin freaking the fuck out every time Hyunjin was within 10ft of him, though. Changbin really can't help it.

Changbin first met Hyunjin when they were little kids. They were neighbors, but with Changbin being the shy child he was, he never accepted any of the younger's attempts to play together after school.

Hyunjin probably tried to get Changbin to play with him every single day, multiple times on the weekends when they didn't have school.

But, once Changbin was finally warming up to the idea of playing outside with Hyunjin, everything changed.

Changbin was only 9 years old when 2 police officers came to his door when he was being babysat by a teenage girl from down the street.

Changbin's parents had been firefighters together for their local station. Apparently, there was a huge factory fire, and his parents had gone in to try and save workers who were trapped on an upper level of the building.

Changbin's parents and the factory workers didn't make it back out of the building, though. The place exploded when the fire spread to a storage room filled with some rather explosive materials inside it.

Since they were always so busy with work, his parents didn't spend much time with their respective families, they opted to spend any free time they had with their son. Due to this, none of his relatives wanted to take him on and raise him.

Sadly, the poor boy had to live in foster homes until he was 16. As soon as he could, he emancipated himself, becoming a warden of the state and getting a few part-time jobs to afford to live on his own.

Once he moved into his new apartment, He joined the high school within his district, where he came in contact with one person he thought he'd never see again.

Hwang Hyunjin.

To say that Changbin was shocked to see his old neighbor would be an understatement. Changbin had no idea that he would end up so damn attractive.

Changbin discovered he was gay when he was about 13. A girl in the foster home he was living at decided to kiss him, and he was appalled. Then, when he was 15, he met a boy at a different foster home and was infatuated.

That previous boy had left his mind and heart entirely when Hwang Hyunjin re-entered Seo Changbin's life.

After seeing the Tall then 15-year-old Hyunjin, Changbin couldn't even begin to approach him.

What would he say?

'Sorry I never played with you, my parents died'?

God no, that's too morbid.

'If I had known you were going to be this hot, I would have definitely played with you'?

That's somehow worse.

So Changbin decided to avoid Hyunjin at all costs. Changbin has absolutely no idea to this day if Hyunjin even recognizes him. And he's never going to know because he's never going to talk to him.

He's still utterly in love with him, though. Minho knows exactly how Changbin feels. Since he's decided to never pursue anything with Hyunjin, Minho is Changbin's only outlet for his feelings and emotions.

Every day with the two best friends was pretty much an on-going discussion about their crushes.

As much as Changbin never wants to have to explain himself to Hyunjin, he can't help but long for what it would be like to be with him.

Changbin pictures Hyunjin smiling at only him, seeing his eyes crinkle in the cutest smile ever.

Changbin imagines what it would feel like to be wrapped up in Hyunjin's long arms as they cuddle on the couch.

Changbin desperately wants to know what it would feel like to feel Hyunjin's soft-looking lips on his own.

Changbin wants a lot of things when it comes to Hyunjin, But he will more than likely never even know if the boy could even like him back.


Hyunjin gets just about whatever he wants.

Whether it be new clothes or the latest phone on the market.

One of the few things he doesn't get, though, is his parent's attention. They are wealthy business people, who are gone continuously on trips, never really making time for their son.

Hyunjin makes up for their lack of support by spending as much time as he can with Jisung. They've been best friends for years, and Jisung's parents regularly show Hyunjin love and support that he doesn't get from his own.

Another thing that Hyunjin can't seem to obtain is Changbin's attention.

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