Chapter 9

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"Dumbshit, why didn't you fucking wake me up?"

Minho grumbles, turning over at the sound of his best friend complaining first thing in the morning. He hears Changbin huff and walk away, more than likely to his bathroom to get ready for the school day ahead of them.

Sitting up in the bed, Minho reaches over to his phone that's plugged in on the bedside table and turns it on. He checks to see if he had received anything from the squirrel boy he had been talking to last night, only to be disappointed by the lack of texts.

Ignoring the hurt feeling in his heart, Minho gets up and goes into the bathroom after he hears Changbin get out of the shower. Minho had made sure his best friend is dressed before entering. The two got ready in silence, before making their way out of the apartment and the long to their school.

Avoiding students, Minho and Changbin quickly got into their English class, sitting in their regular seats like always. As the rest of the class filed their way in, Minho started to get anxious as he waited for Jisung to inevitably walk through the door.

Minho was unsure of what had gone wrong last night when the two were texting. Why did Jisung's entire demeanor suddenly switch? He was happy that the boy had at least replied to the goodnight text, even if it was only a simple and slightly passive-aggressive "night."

Minho broke out of his obsessive thoughts once he saw Jisung and Hyunjin walk into the room. They seemed to be in an intense discussion with each other that confused Minho. Hyunjin broke his eye contact with Jisung to shoot a look at Minho.

What even further confused Minho, was that the look he received was anything but friendly. Minho had absolutely no fucking idea what caused the hateful glare that was thrown at him. Minho broke his own eye contact with Hyunjin to look over at Changbin to see if he noticed what was going on between him and Hyunjin. He noticed that his best friend looked hurt while not so subtly looking at Hyunjin.

"Bin, did you see the fucking glare that Hyunjin just gave me?" Minho whispered to him, and Changbin looked over at Minho, nodding before looking down at his desk sadly. Minho frowned at him, glancing back up at the two boys at the front of the room, seeing them begrudgingly making their way back to the best friends.

It made sense why they were coming back here since they were paired up together yesterday, but Minho really just wanted to avoid Jisung. He felt terrible for Jisungs mood yesterday, even if he didn't know how he caused it to go so sour.


That's all Jisung said as he sat at his seat. Minho shot him a small smile, noticing Jisungs face contort with an unknown emotion. Minho gave him a confused look, turning to Changbin, who was currently in a seemingly cheerier mood, having a small conversation with Hyunjin.Minho smiled at his best friend, getting to talk to his crush, turning back to Jisung, who was looking down at his phone.

"Hey, whatever I said last night that upset you, I'm sorry," Minho said quietly to Jisung. Minho really didn't expect Jisung to react, meaning that he was even more shocked when Jisung looked up and made eye contact with him, giving him a small smile.

"No, I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have gotten upset. I had no right, I hope you can forgive me so we can work together well on this project." Jisung said with a broader smile, and Minho felt his heart skip a cliche beat.

"No, no no no, don't apologize, you deserve to feel whatever emotions you feel." Minho sincerely spoke to Jisung, and for probably the first time ever, Minho gave him a genuine smile back.

Jisung's eyes went wide. Jisung felt his face heat up and quickly turned away from Minho. Minho was confused for the millionth time this morning and looked back down at his desk.

Mr. Wang chose now as the perfect time to enter the room.

The rest of the class, and the school day, for that matter, went off without a hitch. Apparently, Felix and the other two didn't come to school today. Minho counted it as probably the best school day he had experienced since he came to the new school.

Minho and Changbin made their way to Jin's cafe to get drinks. Minho had to go home tonight, so they needed to separate afterward, but figured they would chill together there for a bit.

After ordering, they sat at their usual table in the back of the lobby, out of the way of customers. According to Chan, Jin had a thing he had to do today, so he wasn't in the cafe. As the two were talking about the homework they had got in their History class, Minho noticed someone walk through the door of the cafe.


Sorry for the delay in an update, my hamster passed away over the weekend and I was in a slump, I was originally planning on updating at least twice, but it just didn't happen

I'm ok, her passing can't be helped, I'm sorry for the lack of an update though!

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