Chapter 22

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Hyunjin and Changbin stood there, watching the retreating figures make their way over to the school.

"How about we get out of here?" Hyunjin said suddenly, causing Changbin to whip his head in his direction.

Nodding, however, unsure about what was happening, Changbin let Hyunjin lead him in the opposite direction of where Minho and Jisung had gone off.

Walking to a secluded place behind the stands, Hyunjin stopped and turned around, facingChangbin completely.

"Changbin, I'd just like to formally apologize for the shit I've done today," Hyunjin says, the most sincere look Changbin has ever seen come from him on his face.

Changbin is very quickly confused for the seemingly millionth time of the day.

"Why are you, sorry? Minho told me it was an act to get Jisung riled up. I just don't understand why you would need to be sorry to me? What do I have to do with it?" Changbin asks, trying his absolute best not to show the amount of hurt he really is from the day's events.

"We've met before, right?" Hyunjin asks, and Changbin freezes.

"W-What do you mean? We see each other in class every day?" Changbin tries, praying to all that is holy that Hyunjin isn't about to ask about what he's sure he's asking about.

"When I was a kid, there was a neighbor boy, a small, seemingly shy kid that I tried to befriend every day. The boy made an excuse every day why he couldn't come outside to play, but I never gave up." Hyunjin started, Changbin tried to say something, but Hyunjin held up a finger.

"One day, when I got home from school, my mom stopped me at the door, telling me terrible news that our neighbors, the parents of the boy I was trying desperately to befriend, had died in the line of duty. I had asked my mom what happened to the little boy, and she said she wasn't sure, but he was definitely leaving. I was crushed. All those days of wanting to be a friend for the boy, and something so tragic happening, and I couldn't do anything for him." Hyunjin took a pause, looking out at the sky, thinking back on his memories.

"I never stopped thinking about him, never even knowing his full name to be able to look him up on social media once I was old enough to work it. All I knew was that his surname was Seo." Hyunjin looked back down at Changbin, a sad smile on his face.

"Imagine my surprise when one day, walking down the hall at school, I see a new kid, shorter than most of the other boys, with a serious look on his face, a look that would tell anyone he had been through something terrible. I knew he seemed familiar the first time I saw him, but I couldn't place it exactly. It wasn't until my mom had off-handedly mentioned something about hearing that the orphan that used to be our neighbor was now going to my school." Hyunjin finished giving Changbin a chance to speak now.

"Hyunjin, I'm so sorry. I have regretted nearly every day since the incident, not being your friend. I swear, the day it happened, it had been my every intention to finally open up to you. Fate has a funny way of fucking with my life." Changbin said, tears welling in his eyes as he looked down at the ground.

Hyunjin sighed, reaching out, he lifted Changbin's face by his chin softly, looking him straight in his eyes. "Changbin, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You were never obligated to be my friend, though I am relieved to hear that I was finally wearing you down. You were the cutest kid I'd ever seen. You're still the cutest kid I've ever seen, the most beautiful, even if I now know that you're older than me," Hyunjin lightly says with a chuckle, smirking down at that light blush creeping onto Changbin's face.

"I'm not beautiful," Changbin starts, but Hyunjin just shakes his head, stopping the older from finishing his sentence.

"Seo Changbin, after all these years, I'm glad we can finally meet under true pretenses."

Changbin smiles up at Hyunjin, one of the biggest smiles he's managed in a very long time.

"Forgive me if this is a little sudden, but after years and years, I've been dying to do this."

And then they were kissing.


Chan watched as his brother walked away with a boy Chan had never seen before. Then Chan saw Changbin walk away with a different boy Chan had never seen before.

He guesses that it's now time to believe them when they said they weren't dating all those times.

"Hey my man, Imma head out, I've got a shift to catch at the cafe," BamBam says, giving Chan a pat on his back before he walks away, not even giving Chan a chance to say goodbye before disappearing in the crowd.

Chan chuckles, shaking his head at his best friend's actions before looking back out at the field, his eyes catching the same boy he'd been watching all evening.

Felix, Chan remembers hearing Minho say his name was the first time Chan had seen him.

Chan was enamored the first time he laid eyes on him. Felix being possibly the most beautiful creature Chan had ever laid his eyes on.

Imagine his utter disappointment once the boy had opened his mouth.

Chan had seen his fair share of homophobic people in his time, many ranging in the severity of their hatred towards LGBT people, but there was something about Felix that made Chan question it.

See, not many people watch closely at the faces that bullies make. The people getting bullied tend to not look the bullies in the eye.

Chan can't help but feel like there is more to Felix's story.

Shaking his head, Chan starts to make his way out of the stands, looking thoughtfully down at the ground while doing so.

Chan was oblivious to his surroundings once he was on the ground, slowly walking towards the parking lot when he felt himself bump into someone, effectively making them fall to the ground.

"Whoops, my apologies there!" Chan quickly says, turning around to help the person up.

Chan freezes for a moment, seeing Felix sitting on the ground, looking shocked and slightly pissed at the older for knocking him over.

"Here, let me help you up," Chan says, extending his hand down to the younger boy.

Felix begrudgingly accepts his hand, letting Chan pull him to his feet.

"That was an amazing game you played out there. Reminds me of my time when I played back in high school," Chan said, giving Felix a light smile as the boy grinned once standing straight up.

"Thanks, I really tried my best." Felix says happily, shocking Chan with how light the boy's tone is. It's completely different from the first time the two had met. However, Chan feels Felix probably doesn't remember, or else his tone would probably be much different.

"The name's Bang Chan, it's nice to meet you," Chan says, a much deeper smile on his face; Chan is sure his dimples are showing.

"Lee Felix, nice to meet you too, Chan-Hyung," Felix replies, smiling wide enough to make his eyes crinkle in the cutest way Chan has ever seen, the boy's freckles giving him an even cuter look. "Sorry, I do need to get to the locker room. A nice shower awaits me."

"Oh, yeah, sure, no problem, see you around," Chan says, giving the younger a wave. Felix nods and smiles once again, waving goodbye before walking quickly towards the locker rooms.

Chan sighs heavily, watching the beautiful boy leave his line of sight before walking the rest of the way to his car, a stupid-silly grin taking over his features.

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