Chapter 3

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Finally making his way into his first period, English, he bursts through the door, eyes locking on the innocent small, buff boy sitting in the back of the class.

"Seo Changbin, you fucking ass." Minho spits out as he sits in his spot right beside the said best friend. Changbin immediately being taken off guard, not knowing where the sudden hostility is coming from.

"The fuck did I do?" Changbin asks, looking incredulously at Minho. This is the first time they've seen each other since they went on break, Changbin had been so busy picking up any hours he could at his part-time job that they couldn't really hang out.

"You weren't out there, and the bitch squad decided it was "ruin Minho's day even more than it already is" time," Minho remarked. Changbin sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just ignore them Min, it's not your fault they are such assholes. What's gone wrong besides them today?"

"Chan decided that he was going to be my wake up call this morning, and the ass ripped my blankets off me and yelled at me." Minho pouted, Changbin rolling his eyes again.

"Did you yell at him?" Changbin asked, knowing his best friend well enough to know there's always more to the story when it comes to Minho and Chan.

Minho has explained why he ruined his relationship with his brother so often that Changbin just doesn't get exactly why. They were apparently super close before their parents died, pretty much best friends rather than brothers. But since Minho can't handle someone caring for him, other than his parents, he's pushed Chan further and further away.

There have been a few times that Changbin has been over to Minho's house, and has seen the way they act around each other. He can see how much Chan cares for his younger brother. Changbin himself has tried to talk Minho into giving up his little obsession with feeling bad for himself and pushing the one family member he has left away.

Changbin hopes that he can get through to Minho before he creates damage that can't be undone. Eventually, Chan is going to get to the point that he just can't take Minho's shit anymore and give up. Changbin being an only child and an orphan, knows how much it kills to be alone in this world. He very much doesn't want that to happen to his best friend. No matter how much Minho pushes Chan away, Changbin can clearly see how devastated he would really be if Chan did give up.

"Ok, maybe I did, but still, why can't he just leave me alone? I've already ruined his life enough, why can't he just let me go away, so I don't cause him any more problems." Minho pouts, causing Changbin to frown. He decides right now isn't the time to argue with Minho about his relationship with his older brother and decided to change the topic.

"Ok ok, So why the style change? You never show this much skin, what's going on? Changbin questions, causing Minho to dramatically flip his (short) hair.

"If I'm going to get harassed for being gay, I may as well look the part." Minho retorts, pulling his shirt down a little, running one hand through his side-parted hair.

"Ok, more power to you, but why did you change soooo drastically? I love to see it, but this is a pretty big change from your previous style." Changbin asks, hoping that he doesn't somehow offend his best friend. He really does love this look on Minho, it really suits his body shape, and Minho's got the legs to show off. Honestly, this change is a good thing for Minho's confidence.

"I decided that if I was going to change my style, I was going to go all the fucking way. No easing into it because that just costs more money in the long run, and no matter how much I try, Chan won't let me get a job." Minho answers Changbin, looking down at his ensemble again, genuinely proud of this look, secretly hoping that one person, in particular, would enjoy it too...

"Well if you keep this up, He Who Must Not Be Named might actually notice you." Changbin jokes, causing Minho to quickly look around the room to see if the mentioned boy had already made it to class and overheard him being pissy.

"Fuck off, Binnie, he's never going to notice me, for one, he's straight, for two, I'm ugly." Minho pouts again. This conversation is successful in ruining his mood even more with the reminder that he's never getting the boy he wants.

"I don't know Min, he seems pretty gay to me, don't just assume someone's sexuality. Especially if there has never been any proof that he is one way or another. It also helps your case that his best friend is the hottest, sexiest, most beautiful man I have ever seen ever in my entire life holy shi-" Changbin is interrupted from his drool session with a smack to the back of his head from Minho, who looked pissy at Changbins not so subtle fanboying over their Class Vice President.

"Hwang Hyunjin is not that hot, Changbi-," Minho grumbles, quickly receiving a hand smacked over his mouth. In his anger, he notices how Changbin stares at the door that's currently behind Minho, obviously out of his sight.

Ripping Changbin's hand off his mouth, Minho glares at Changbin before quickly turning around and paling at the two people coming through the door.

The timing could not have been worse for the current conversation they were having.

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