Chapter 7

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(Double update because this is a pretty short chapter and it's just a filler)
(Thank you guys for 100 views, so far so good!)

The two make a quick decision to go to the cafe that Chan worked at. Not because Minho really wanted to see his older brother, but because he couldn't argue it. It really was the best cafe they had ever been to.

Ironically, the cafe was owned by their principal's husband, Kim Seokjin. Jin absolutely loves the students from his husband's, Kim Namjoon's, school. He gives anyone who has their school ID a 50% discount and gives his favorites free stuff every time they visit.

It's safe to say that Minho and Changbin are some of his absolute favorite visitors. Chan working there has some to do with that, but Jin has taken on a motherly role for the two boys. They absolutely adored their Jin-Hyung, they made sure to visit him every time that they visited the cafe. They don't remember ever actually paying for their drinks when they were at the cafe.

Minho sent a quick text to his brother, letting him know that they were coming to the cafe as a heads up.

The walk to the cafe was short, the two friends silently enjoying the walk to get her. Once they arrived, after walking I'm through the door an excited BamBam came running up to them.

BamBam has worked here longer than Chan has, although they were friends from school. The two older boys had been best friends for a long time, BamBam was basically another older brother to Minho.

"Hey Hyung, how are you doing today?" Changbin asks, because naturally, if Minho was close with someone, so was Changbin.

"Oh just fine, as always, although Chan's been a little pissy today." BamBam spills, sending a glance to his best friend who rolled his eyes as he set Minho and Changbins regular orders on the counter for them.

"Thanks Chan-Hyung," Minho says and Chan just waves his hand over his shoulder as he walks into the back room, more than likely alerting Jin to the boy's presence. Minho has a good guess as to why Chan's been shitty all day, and can't help but feel a little guilty.

Minho doesn't have long to feel bad, because he is very quickly deafened by the new presence literally sprinting out of the back room at them.

"MY BABIES! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" Kim Seokjin screams as he tackles Minho and Changbin in a spine breaking hug. Minho chuckles a bit at Jin's enthusiasm, and at the fact that they were literally there 3 days ago. From the way Seokjin's acting you'd think it had been years.

"Hello Jin-Hyung, it's good to see you too." Minho struggles to get out as he's being choked by the older, Changbin having a rough time getting out of Jin's hold as well.

"How are you boys? Have you eaten? I've got some pretty great lemon poppyseed muffins today! Please eat some, you boys deserve it!" Jin says excitedly, finally letting go. Changbin is quick to walk over to the counter and grab one, mumbling his thanks as he takes a huge bite of his.

"I'm not really hungry, but thanks anyway, Hyung." Minho says shyly, knowing he's about to get a lecture on not eating enough from Jin. True to his word, Jin instantly scoffs at Minho and grabs one, shoving it in his hands as he mumbles about 'kids being too skinny these days' and that 'Minho needs to eat what he wants to be happy' even though if Minho could eat what he wants, he wouldn't eat at all.

Minho knows he's too heavy as it is, he doesn't need to eat this surely sugar filled muffin and add to it.

But because he can't let Jin down in anyway without feeling like absolute shit he takes a bite of the muffin. It's delicious, just like everything Jin makes.

Suddenly, the phone can be heard ringing from the back room, and Jin quickly scrambled back there to answer it, leaving the four alone since it wasn't a busy hour for the store.

After Jin had left, Minho quickly handed his muffin over to Changbin, who, in turn, gave Minho a look before eating it. Chan saw this go down and got worried about his brother. He knew Minho had been skipping meals but wasn't sure how to go about confronting the younger about it. He was worried that any attempt he made would be taken poorly and didn't want to risk hurting their already fragile relationship.

Minho and Changbin quickly said their thanks to the two older boys for their drinks and yelled goodbye to Jin, who stuck his arm out the door to the backroom to wave goodbye, before they walked out of the store to head to Changbin's place

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