Chapter 2

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Just want to put a disclaimer, there may be some triggering words and actions at the end of this chapter. Just know that these are not the views that I personally have, I just used them to convey the message I wanted to get across.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Eventually, the two made it to Minho's school, after a long, boring, tense 5-minute drive. (Minho is nothing if he isn't sarcastic)

"Are you doing anything after school? I have to work late, and I won't be able to pick you up." Chan asked his pissy brother.

"Yeah, Changbin and I have a Calculus project we're working on at the library," Minho answered, whacking his head in the back of his seat. He wanted nothing more than to get out of this car and as far away from Chan as possible. Minho was very over dealing with Chan's questions.

"Are you gonna come home tonight then, or are you just going to crash with your 'not-boyfriend,'" Chan joked, only to be met with a vicious glare from Minho.

That's one thing that always gets to Minho, when people call Changbin, who, for the record, is his closest friend since moving here, his boyfriend.

Changbin was the only other out of the closet gay kid that Minho has met at school. Literally, on his first day there, he was walking to his Physics class when this short, but at the same time, buff boy ran straight into him at the door.

Both of them had been knocked to the ground, and Changbin started immediately apologizing. Standing up and brushing himself off, Minho reached down and held his hand out to Changbin to help him stand up while saying, "Don't worry cutie, you can make it up to me after school with coffee."

Let's just say, Minho expected the buff boy to get angry with him, not get super excited, and agree to it.

They went on their date, but while there, they realized they vibed on more of a friend level than a potential relationship level and have been best friends since. They hang out just about every day. Minho uses Changbin's apartment as his own personal hideaway when he can't bear to be a disappointment to his brother anymore.

That was another thing that Changbin and Minho had in common, they both lost their parents.

Changbin's parents died much earlier on in Changbin's life, though. He's been alone since he was 9, moving into a bunch of different foster homes before managing to become a warden of the state and moving out on his own.

Minho has been very thankful to have Changbin in his life, and couldn't imagine not being around him, so the thought of dating him, only for things to go south, and to have him leave was one of the scariest ideas in Minho's head.

"Just for that, yes, I am staying at my friend's place. You and I both know that Changbin is not my boyfriend, and he's never going to be, so just stop." Minho seethed out before angrily getting out of the car and walking away.

"Fuck, I just can't win to lose with that kid, I swear." Chan curses to himself before pulling away from the school and heading to his current job, a bakery about 5 miles away.

Minho hears Chan drive off, un-tensing his shoulders, and walking into the large school building. This school is much larger than his last school since they live in a cheaper part of town. The population is much higher over here, causing more students per class.

This fact never failed to piss Minho off, since that just meant more kids to hate him for being himself.

Looking around the main hallway, Minho tries to spot 4 different individuals. One of which he really wants to find, and three that he could go the rest of his life never seeing again.

Sadly, Minho's luck must be taking a vacation today, because after taking a few more steps out of the hallway, Minho is slammed into the wall, hearing the three voices he hates most in the world laughing their asses off.

"Good morning, queer." The first one says. Probably the same one who shoved him, considering he tended to be the 'brawn' of the group. This person was none other than Yang Jeongin, one of the youngest Juniors in the school since he was moved up a grade at some point apparently, and part of the schools soccer team. Jeongin looks like your average cute kid, with a broad smile and a goofy demeanor. Still, to Minho, all he was was the most physical of the three, never failing to push or trip or even punch Minho when he felt like it.

"Oh, what's this? The little gay boy wants to look pretty for his boyfriend?" the second one says, Kim Seungmin, The smartest kid in his grade, top marks in all of his classes, although you'd think he used his brain to maybe not bully others? Apparently not. Somehow this jackass was the 'brains' of their little operation. Minho was still baffled as to how Seungmin managed to become Class President for his grade.

"I bet this little bitch just loves taking it up the ass, like the fag boy he is." said the last one. Now, this kid was the leader of their three-person act, he was as smart as he was ugly. Which is not at all. Lee Felix was probably the most beautiful person Minho had ever laid his eyes on. Now, with all this beauty, he didn't really need to use his brain a whole lot. It's a pity that he's so god damn homophobic because he would make some man really happy. Felix is also on the schools soccer team, and to make matters worse, he's the team captain.

"Fuck off, I swear to god you three are the worst, go away before I set Changbin on you." Minho spat at them, pulling himself together and attempting to walk away from the trio.

"OK Fag, walk away, go to class, we'll just find you later." Felix calls out as Minho gets lost in the people.

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