Chapter 21

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(HA, double update lol... We're getting down to it folks...)

They settle in the front row, just a little down from the home goal, as per Hyunjin's request. He had claimed that it would give them more chances to flirt; Minho had a sinking suspicion that he also wanted Changbin to see him do well as goalie.

(ok, warm-ups / the game is about to start, and I just want to apologize in advance that I played soccer for 2 days as a kid and never paid attention to it again, so I really have a basic knowledge of the sport, so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies in what I'm about to write lol)

Looking out at the field, Minho sees Jisung and Hyunjin stretching with the rest of their team, genuinely setting in the nerves for the upcoming game. Taking a shaky breath, Minho looks away from his crush, eyes settling on a different cluster of players.

Minho notices a few really tall players, recognizing them as Soobin, Yeonjun, Yunho, and Mingi, a few people Minho's never really talked to, but they're kinda hard to miss in the halls, being that tall. Then he sees another tall player, Heuning Kai, but he's with 2 much smaller players, San and Taehyun. Minho had a soft spot for the one tall freshman, Heuning Kai; the poor guy was just too kind, so it was exciting to see him with friends. Minho wasn't entirely sure if he had any.

After a short while of stretching, Minho hears their school's sports announcer, Choi Beomgyu, start announcing the opposing school's team's players before he begins with theirs.

"Now for the better team," Beomgyu starts, only for Mr. Jeon, the coach of the team, to yell a reprimanding 'Choi.' ""Oh my bad, now for the other good team, the JYP High School Eagles, and their team Captain and striker, Lee Felix."

At the mention of that name, Minho rolled his eyes in disgust, seeing said male jog to the center of the field to shake hands with the opposing team's captain, a senior named Lee Sangyeon from Creker Academy, an all-boys school a little to the north. Ironically enough, their team name is 'The Boyz'.

After the 2 captains shake hands, the rest of the starting players come out onto the field and get into their starting positions.

"GO, JACOB! YOU GOT THIS BABY!" Minho and Changbin cringe as a boy immediately behind them, screams out onto the field. Slowly turning around, Minho spots a boy who makes eye contact with him and sheepishly grins.

"Hi, I'm Kevin, sorry for being obnoxious..." The boy, Kevin apparently, mumbles, giving a tiny wave. Changbin chuckles beside Minho and waves back.

"Nice to meet you, Kevin, I'm Changbin, this is Minho." Changbin introduces them, gaining a more genuine smile from the new boy.

"You can come down here and join us if you'd like," Minho says, causing Kevin to smile and climb over the seat and down beside Minho's other side.

"So why are you guys here? School pride?" Kevin asks. Minho looks over at Changbin, who, in turn, shrugs.

"We're here to watch our friends play, the goalie and the attacking midfielder." Minho answers, pointing at Hyunjin and Jisung in turn.

"Ooooh they're handsome, no doubt." Kevin nods, earning more giggles from the best friends.

"Handsome for sure." Minho agrees.

Suddenly a whistle blows, and everyone is moving. Felix is quick to take possession of the ball, moving very quickly around the other team, passing the ball to Jisung. Jisung moved even faster, fluidly moving between players before making a shot at the goal.

"FIRST POINT SCORED BY NUMBER 6 HAN JISUNG FOR THE EAGLES!" Beomgyu announces, Minho and Changbin cheering loudly, Kevin even joining in, clapping along with the crowd.

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