Chapter 15

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Surprise double update!

Minho hoped that he wasn't followed as he fled the classroom.

Shuffling to the nearest bathroom, Minho locked himself in one of the stalls before breaking down into tears.

Why was he crying? Because someone else had apparent feelings for Jisung? Because Felix probably knows about Minho's feelings for Jisung now, and will surely fuck with him about it?

Because Jisung smiles at someone else?

Fuck, it was all too much, and Minho just wanted to disappear.

After probably 10 minutes of Minho crying to himself about how much his life sucked, he heard the door to the bathroom open and quickly quieted his sobbing.

"Minho?" A kind of familiar voice spoke.

Minho stopped crying completely, why was this person of all people the one checking on him?

They've never talked before, although Minho knows way too much about him.

Deciding he should probably answer the guy, Minho wipes his face with some toilet paper and exits the stall.

"What do you want, Hyunjin?" Minho questions, not entirely sure why his best friend's crush/ his crush's best friend (Minho didn't want to point out the irony) followed him here.

"Just came to check on you, I saw you leave, and you weren't back yet," Hyunjin stated, crossing his arms and leaning back on the sink.

"Ok, but why did you come? You're in a group with Changbin, why not send him?" Minho raises a perfectly groomed eyebrow at the taller boy, who, in turn, blushed a slight amount and coughed.

"He was very into the project and didn't notice what happened himself. I didn't want to interrupt his creative process, so I came instead." Hyunjin sheepishly answers.

"Why would you care about interrupting him?" Minho questions yet again, noticing Hyunjins blush get marginally deeper.

"Why do you run away from class?" Hyunjin collects himself enough to question back. "You know, from what I could see, you wanted to kill the girl you were sitting with, who happens to be my cousin, and she didn't appear to be doing anything wrong."

Minho glares at the floor, not meeting Hyunjins eyes anymore, and refuses to answer that.

"You also seemed to be glaring at Felix, which I don't blame you there, he's an asshole" Hyunjin continues, this statement makes Minho look back up to see Hyunjin smirking at him, but still doesn't answer.

"The only person you didn't seem mad at was Jisung, no instead, I saw the pain in your features when he wasn't even looking at you..." Hyunjin suddenly stops for a second, looking down and grabbing his chin, as if in deep thought. "Wait. Don't tell me... YOU LIKE JISUNG!" Hyunjin suddenly exclaims, startling Minho to the point of no return.

Minho's eyes nearly bulge out of his head as he rushes forward and covers Hyunjins mouth.

"How did you know? Who told you?" Minho whisper-screamed at the junior.

Hyunjin reaches up and pulls Minho's hand off of his face. "No one, I am smart, you know, I'm not the junior Vice President for just my looks, although they did help," Hyunjin answered, a smirk making its way onto his face.

"Don't tell anyone, especially Jisung," Minho pleads, backing up from Hyunjin.

"But telling him would be more fun," Hyunjin smirks, laughing at the instant look of panic that took over Minho's face. "Nah, I'm just kidding, I won't tell him. But there is something I need you to do for me in return."

Minho nods quickly, eager to do anything possible to keep his secret.

"I need your help winning over your best friend."

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