Chapter 17

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(Just a quick warning, there's some strong language thrown around in this chapter, and it's possibly triggering, I just wanted to make it clear that these are not my views on the situation, I'm just telling a story.)

Minho was making his way to his next class when someone grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him backward into an empty classroom. He was then thrown on the ground and groaned as he sat up, looking at who just took him.

Minho was not impressed.

"The fuck do you want now." Minho spat out.

Felix was standing over him with a wicked smirk, and Minho felt a flash of fear when he heard the door open again. Seungmin and Jeongin walked right in and stood on either side of their ring leader.

"So, as you know, Wang and Min were bright enough to put us in a group together," Felix started, completely ignoring Minho's original question, " and I couldn't help but notice something spectacularly disgusting come from you."

"What the fuck ever could you mean, Jackass." Minho was sure to lay on as much sarcasm as possible, taking time to glare at all three of them.

"What I mean, you fucking fairy, is that I could see with my own eyes that you're fucking in love with Jisung," Felix growls in his deep ass voice.

Minho feels his heart fall through his ass.

How was everyone picking up on it!

"I don't know what the fuck you mean." Minho squeaks out, feeling his pulse go insane.

Felix rolls his eyes as Jeongin and Seungmin made eye contact with each other. Minho noticed that they were having a silent conversation, and he wasn't too sure what to make of that.

"Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean," Felix spits out at him, "But here's what's going to happen. As you probably know, I'm the captain of the soccer team." Minho nods, not exactly sure what Felix's angle is in all of this.

"Well, I'm not about to allow some fag to be on my team. So, you, my friend, are going to stay the fuck away from him." Felix growls out, stepping forward, so he's inches from Minho's face.

"And why the fuck would I do what you say? What gives you the right?" Minho argues, voice rising as he gets closer to Felix, his hatred for the soccer captain higher than ever before.

"Oh, you're going to listen to me. You're going to listen to me, or I will personally kick Jisung off of the team." Felix states, his evil smirk settling back on his face. Minho gasps, knowing all too well that Felix will keep his word if Minho were to go against him.

"I fucking hate you. What the fuck is your problem? Who hurt you to make you hate gay people this much? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Minho yells, backing away from Felix.

Felix's smirk falters, and Minho sees a flash of pain in his eyes.

"THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! I'M STRAIGHT, I'M STRAIGHT GOD DAMNIT!" Felix screams, moving forward to punch Minho in the face.

Minho feels his lip split as he falls back to the ground.

Seungmin and Jeongin both look back at each other, panic and confusion in their eyes from Felix's outburst. They both rush forward and grab Felix, giving Minho the chance to stand again and run out of the room.

Minho makes his way down the hallway, into a bathroom again, looking at his face in the mirror. Luckily, the pain isn't bad, and his lip is barely bleeding. He grabs some paper towel and wets it, dabbing it on his mouth to clean up the cut before sighing to himself.

What the fuck just happened in there?

Now, even though Hyunjin gave him hope, Minho can't do anything about it. Minho is not going to be the reason that Jisung can't play soccer.

But, what the fuck was that with Felix.

Minho had never thought that Felix was anything from straight, what with his excessive bullying towards Minho since the day he arrived at this school.

Was there something going on in Felix's life?

Is there a reason that Felix is homophobic to this extent?

Minho shakes his head, walking out of the bathroom and going to his next class.

As Minho walks in, he makes eye contact with Changbin, who's eyes shoot up at the sight of Minho's split lip.

"Oh nice of you to join us, Mr. Lee, make your way to your seat." The teacher says with a dismissive wave of his hand.

As Minho sits down, he shakes his head at Changbin, who hasn't stopped looking at him since he walked in. Minho put his head down on his desk and let out yet another sigh.

This was going to fucking suck.

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