Chapter 19

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Minho was on the brink of sleep. He could tell it was sometime in the morning from the light shining through his window, but he just didn't have it in him to wake up yet fully.

Taking a deep breath, Minho continued to lay there, seemingly at peace with the world.

He should have known that his peace was only temporary because not even a minute later, someone threw open his bedroom door and launched themselves onto him.

"OK, WHAT THE FUCK I WAS TRYING TO SLEEEEEEEP," Minho screamed, opening his eyes to see a chuckling Changbin.

"Bitch, haven't you slept enough? It's like 2 pm, and the game is in 3 hours dude, we gotta get ready!" Changbin laughed out, rolling himself off of Minho, and stood up.

"How the fuck is it 2!?" Minho quickly grabbed his phone and turned it over; sure enough, 2:04 pm and several text messages were there to greet him.

There were 15 from Changbin, seemingly in an attempt to wake him up, one from Chan that said he was going to be at the game with BamBam tonight and that he'll see him there, somewhere over 20 from Hyunjin, ranging from plan details to encouraging words to Hyunjin just texting about random ass things.

Finally, there was one text sent around 20 minutes ago from Jisung.


I can't wait to see you at my game! I'll try and score for you!
Received 1:43 pm

Minho couldn't believe it. It was happening, he was going to see Jisung play, and if all went according to plan, Jisung very well could be his by the end of the night.

Focus Minho, for now, let's get you looking good as hell.

Standing up out of his bed, Minho quickly made his way into his bathroom, leaving an amused and completely ready, Changbin sitting on his bed.

One quick shower later (Minho didn't want to waste any time that he had left to make himself pretty), and he was back out, stumbling his way into the clothes that he set out for himself the night before.

Minho knew he was going to a soccer game, meaning it was outside, so he chose to bare a little more skin, opting for a cut-off green school shirt (Chan got him some spirit wear when they moved, Minho took it upon himself to customize) with a pair of dark denim shirt overalls, leaving one of the straps undone so you could see their school's logo slightly.

Minho then quickly got to work drying his hair and slightly curling the ends, making his hair lay cutely on his head, with it being somewhat fluffy now.

Next was makeup. Minho chose to go for a simple look, putting his regular bb cream on but adding some slightly shimmering tan eyeshadow and a trace amount of reddish lip tint.

Pretty satisfied with his current look, Minho decided to show Changbin his choice of the day.

Once Changbin heard the bathroom door open, he looked up, and his eyes went wide.

"OH SHIT DUDE, YOU LOOK GOOD!" A very enthusiastic Changbin then got up and dove into Minho's closet, pulling out Minho's dark green pair of vans to go with the look.

Giving a slight chuckle to his best friend, Minho took the shoes and quickly grabbed some no-show socks to go with them, and set them aside for when they were to leave.

Minho then took the opportunity to look over what Changbin was wearing, knowing that Hyunjin was sure to like whatever he decided to put on.

The shorter male had on his typical black clothes, tight black skinny jeans, a dark grey tank top, and a black collared short sleeve shirt over it left open.

Minho had to admit, black was this boy's color.

"Ok, it's now nearly 3:30," Changbin said while looking down at his phone, "how about we go get some coffee and maybe a bite to eat before the game?"

"Yeah, that works; we just need to get to the game a little early. I've gotta talk to Hyunjin." After Minho said that last bit, Changbin made eye contact with him, and Minho saw a flash of hurt go through his eyes.

"Bin, before you get butt hurt, you're talking to Hyunjin too, I don't know how to explain it, but he's got a master plan that he wants to go over before the game starts." With that being said, the look of hurt quickly changed into a look of panic, and Minho chuckled slightly at his best friend before grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door.


Haha- wow I suck.

Sorry this took so long, I'm probably never going to stop apologizing...

Hope you enjoyed, this fic probably has like 3 more chapters left sooooo

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