Chapter 16

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Minho had been laughing for about 10 minutes.

Hyunjin was not entertained.

In fact, Hyunjin started muttering about going to find Jisung before Minho finally stopped laughing.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Hyunjin pouts, Minho starts attempting to breathe normally again.

"You, Mr. Beauty, want me to help you get Changbin? What help do you need, he'd literally die if you asked him yourself." Minho said, a slight chuckle still in his voice.

Hyunjin's eyes went wide.

"What do you mean 'He'd die', does... Does Changbin actually like me?" Hyunjin inquired, quickly feeling himself get excited.

"Oh, he does way more than like you, trust me. But you didn't hear that from me." Minho laughs, feeling secondhand happiness for Changbin, who had no idea this was even happening.

"Ok, ok, if what you say is true, then I just need you to bring him to our soccer game this Saturday. If you do that for me, then I'll help you with Jisung." Hyunjin says, and it was at that moment that Minho froze.

"Uhm, wait, just one goddamn second. THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HELP ME WITH JISUNG!" Minho pretty much screams, this time it's Hyunjin's turn to laugh.

"I mean, Jisung might not act like it, but the boy is very, very gay. As his best friend, I have complete right to say that you're exactly his type." Hyunjin smirks, watching Minho slowly but surely fall into a mental breakdown. "Woah dude, chill, it'll be ok, trust me, by the end of this, Jisung will be all yours."

"I, I uh, I don't know what to say about that. Thanks? Wait it's too soon to say thanks, uhhh..." Minho starts rambling, and Hyunjin sighs, grabbing Minho by the shoulders, laughing for yet another time.

"Ok, it's due time we return to class, it's probably over by now, give me your phone, I'll put my number in, and we can discuss the plan for Saturday," Hyunjin said, reaching for Minho's phone.

Minho quickly handed it over, Hyunjin typing in his number and texting himself, so he had Minho's number too.

"K' cool, let's get out of here." Hyunjin says after handing Minho back his phone. They then walk back to class just to see everyone grabbing their bags to leave.

Minho smiles at Hyunjin while saying goodbye and walking over to his table to grab his bag.

Jisung looks at Minho as he walks over to him, confusion on his face looking between the two who just walked in.

"Since when were you friends with Hyunjin?" Jisung questions, raising one eyebrow as Minho meets his eyes, a slightly panicked look in his features.

"Huh? What do you mean? Friends? We-we've been friends." Minho says quickly, grabbing his bag and rushing out of the room.

"Tsh, Friends my ass." Jisung mumbled to himself, rolling his eyes and walking over to his best friend.

"So you're friends with Minho now?" Jisung says, Hyunjin smirking internally. Hyunjin knows where this is about to go.

"Oh, yeah we are. He's super cute, you know. I asked him to our game on Saturday, he said he can't wait to see me play." Hyunjin grinned at Jisung's instant poorly-hidden pissed off look.

See, Minho might be quick to sell out his best friend (not that Hyunjin is complaining about that), but Hyunjin isn't.

Jisung might not have said the words straight out, but Hyunjin knows that Jisung has at least some feelings for Minho.

Hyunjin also knows that Jisung isn't the type to make moves unless provoked.

"I'm pretty excited actually, make sure to let the other team attempt some goals so I can really show off for him." With that last sentence, Hyunjin turned and walked away from his silently fuming best friend.

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