Chapter 23

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Minho was anxious.

Jisung was still leading him away from the field; the longer they walked, the more Minho wanted to scream and run away.

They were nearing the opposite side of the school now. Absolutely no one was around. Minho actually felt better at the fact that there was no one about; no one would see him ugly cry when Jisung inevitably turned him down.

Jisung abruptly stopped and turned around, startling Minho.

"Do you like Hyunjin?" Jisung questioned.

Minho couldn't hold back the obnoxious laugh that escaped his mouth.

"God, NO!" Minho nearly doubled over, trying to catch his breath.

"Well, what the fuck then!" Jisung said, his face turning into a pout as he looked at the ground.

Minho took a deep breath, taking a step closer to Jisung.

"Will you look at me, please?" Minho asked. Jisung slowly looked up, confused by the suddenly serious look on Minho's face.

"Why did he kiss you then? What did you guys have to gain from that?" Jisung asked, an exasperated look crossing his features.

"You," Minho said simply, looking Jisung straight in the eyes.

"M-me?" Jisung asked the cutest, most confused look Minho had ever seen on his face.

"Hyunjin got it in his head that you had feelings for me. He also decided to take it upon his shoulders to do something about it." Minho said truthfully.

Jisung was shocked. Leave it to Hyunjin to not trust the process.

Then again, maybe Hyunjin was right. Jisung never took the initiative when it came to his love life, well at least he never had in the past.

Jisung wasn't doing that this time though!

He had it thoroughly planned out in his head, build a friendship with the cute, cat-like senior, then he was going to ask him out on a date, and see if things would work between the two...

But now, his hands been a little forced, hasn't it?

God damn it, Hyunjin.

"He can't ever leave things alone, can he?" Jisung said, a pout taking over his face again.

Minho's heart sank. Fuck, this wasn't going to plan. Hyunjin promised a happy ending. Minho should have been smarter than to trust the tall-ass junior.

Hopefully, Changbin was getting his wish; at least today won't be a total loss.

Just Minho, just his heart. No biggie.

"I'm sorry for bothering you Jisung, I'll go. It's a little obvious how this is going to end. I'd like to keep as much of my non-existent dignity as I can." with that, Minho turned on his heel and tried to escape, feeling tears prick his eyes.

"WAIT!" Jisung lunged forward and grabbed Minho's arm to prevent the older from getting away.

Minho slowly turned back towards Jisung, blinking a few times to hide the droplets that had already betrayed him.

"Please, please don't leave. I'm sorry for making you think things weren't going according to your and Hyunjin's plan. Honestly, I'm just trying to figure out where to go from here." Jisung said quickly, hoping that Minho would wait and hear him out.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Minho questioned, Jisung taking a deep breath.

"I've got to re-configure my own plan, thanks to my all too helpful best friend," Jisung giggled a little at the instant look of shock on Minho's face.

"Wh-what?" Minho was feeling his heart rate start to pick up, seeing the stunning smile fill up Jisung's cute squirrel-like face.

"I had this whole 12 step plan on how to win you over. Honestly, I still thought you were dating Changbin, no matter how many times you would deny. But I had an entire plan of befriending you, hoping that you would realize feelings for me or some stupid shit like that." Jisung said; Minho gasped, utterly shocked.

"Well, thank fuck Hyunjin is impatient and wanted Binnie all for himself." Minho smiled for the first time since they were alone.

"So, it's safe to assume that the feelings are mutual?" Jisung asks, Minho smiling wider and nodding gently.

"FUCK YEAH!" Jisung shouted, throwing his hands up and running around out of excitement.

Minho stayed where he was, laughing loudly at the excited boy in front of him.

Jisung quickly ran back up to Minho. Despite being a few inches shorter than Minho, he picked him up and twirled the older around, holding him tightly to his chest.

Looking at each other in the eyes, Jisung slowed to a stop but didn't put Minho down.

Minho was the absolute happiest he'd been in too long.

Placing his hands around Jisung's neck, Minho smiled warmly.

"Be my boyfriend, please," Jisung asked, eyes vast waiting for Minho's answer.

The older couldn't hold the impulse back. Ducking his head down, Minho placed his lips onto Jisung's. He could feel sparks all over his body. Anywhere the two were touching felt as if it were on fire, sheer joy running through his blood.

Jisung immediately melted into the kiss, slowly setting the older down on the ground without breaking the contact of their lips. He did just get done with a game after all; he's only got so much strength left.

After a solid few minutes of them lightly kissing each other, the two pulled back, looking into their eyes.

"I hope you liked my answer," Minho said, giggling at his brand new boyfriend.

"I loved it."




Thank you so much to everyone who's made it this far and helped me keep my momentum with this fic.

This is the longest thing I've ever written, I'm honestly so proud of it.

But like all good things, it's come to an end...

OR HAS IT??!?!??!?!!

OR HAS IT??!?!??!?!!

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This isn't a direct sequel, as it doesn't follow Minho and Jisung, buuuuutttttttt I finally get to show Felix's thought process, help you guys understand why he is the way he is, make him not such an awful person in this universe.

Plus its ~Chanlix~ sooooooooooo WOOOOOOO!

I'll add the promised teasers for my other fics that are yet to come in an additional part!

One more time, thank you guys so much, I wouldn't be where I am without your help.

Y'all are amazing!

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