Chapter 20

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After a brisk walk, the two best friends made it to Jin's cafe.

"Hello! Welcome, can I take your order?" A new female employee asked as soon as they made it up to the register.

"Ummmmm, I'll take a caramel macchiato, large, and Binnie here will have a large dark roast." Minho answers with a smile. His mood is doing some amazing things today.

"Ok, that'll be $11.75, please!" The girl says, Minho and Changbin making eye contact and waiting for the inevitable to happen.

And it does, in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1–

"EXCUSE ME JISOO THEY DO NOT PAY! DON'T YOU DARE TAKE MY BABIES MONEY!" On cue, Seokjin comes barreling out of the backroom, wrapping both boys in his arms.

"OH! I'm so sorry! It's my third day on the job, I was warned about you two, but I haven't seen your faces yet!" Jisoo says quickly, trying her best to apologize to the two currently being strangled teenagers.

"It's all right, Jisoo sweetie, I'm just excited to see my babies!!!" Jin quickly says over their heads, finally letting go and taking a step back, holding onto each of their shoulders.

"Jin-Hyung! So good to see you!" Minho smiles out. Jin takes a second, looking confused at Minho before looking questioningly at Changbin, who just shrugs back at him.

"Minho, are you feeling alright? That was probably the most enthusiastic I've ever heard you speak, child." Jin says, removing his hand from Changbin so he can hold both of Minho's shoulders.

"I'm fine, Jin-Hyung. It's just an exciting day..." Minho trails off, looking away from everyone and smiling.

This causes Jin to become even more worried for the younger but lets it go as soon as he hears Jisoo say that their order is ready.

The two teenagers thank Jin and Jisoo, leaving the cafe not long after that and start the trek to the school.

Once they make it, Minho leads Changbin over to the locker rooms and sends a quick text to Hyunjin to say that they're here.

Changbin looks nervously around, knowing that any second Hyunjin will be out here, probably in his soccer uniform. That has Changbin stressing out.

Sure enough, soon the tall boy has made his way out the door and is heading his way over to the 2 best friends, one of which was excited to see his new friend. The other slightly panicked over how attractive the tall boy did indeed look in his uniform.

"Ah, if it isn't my 2 favorite people!" Hyunjin saw excitedly, looking between them, Minho giving a small chuckle, Changbin immediately flushing like no one's business.

"Hey Jinnie, do we tell him the plan now or?" Minho started, causing Changbin to look confusedly at Minho. Hyunjin smiles and shakes his head.

"No, we need his reactions to be genuine, or else things might be easy to figure out. I don't exactly want to wager things on Binnie-boy's ability to act," Hyunjin says, winking at a very, very confused Changbin. "All you need to do is trust us, and by the end of today, everyone is going to be happy."

"Ok, WHAT THE FUCK! Why won't you guys tell me ANYTHING!" Changbin shouts, causing Minho and Hyunjin to giggle at the smallest boy. Changbin, in turn, huffs and crosses his arms, looking around at everyone who's now coming out of the locker room. "Oh look, there's Jisung."

At those words, Minho whips his head over in the direction Changbin is looking for. Sure enough, Han Jisung was making his way out of the locker room, one hand on his hip as he looked around, the other sweeping his hair out of his face when he spotted the 3.

Jisung quickly raised the hand in his hair to wave, walking over to them. As he did so, Hyunjin and Minho looked each other in the eyes, Minho nodded once, and Hyunjin smirked, leaning in and he kissed Minho.

Jisung stopped in his tracks.

Changbin, confused by Jisungs sudden change of pace, looked back at the other two and felt his heart exit through his ass.

Hyunjin quickly pulled away, sending a devious smirk to his best friend, then giving Minho one more nod, before walking over to Jisung, throwing an arm over his shoulders, and leads him to the field.

"Before you say anything, I'm sorry, I thought Hyunjin was going to tell you his plan, but apparently not. But because I feel so poorly about what just happened, I'm gonna tell you. BUT, you have to promise to play along, Bin this is important. Please." Minho pleads, looking Changbin in the eyes.

"Fuck, fine," Changbin muttered. Minho breathed a sigh of relief and gave his best friend a hug. Changbin tensed for a second before hugging Minho back.

"Hyunjin is helping me get Jisung." Minho starts, and Changbin slowly pulls back from the hug, confused yet again in such a short time. "I know, it's confusing, but Hyunjin knows a sure-fire way to get Jisung to date me. Hyunjin swears up and down that he knows Jisung has feelings, but Jisung won't act on them for some reason. Therefore Hyunjin is going to provoke him into it." Minho hopes that this gets the point across; he really doesn't want to expose the second half of Hyunjin's plan so that Changbin can get pleasantly surprised when Hyunjin acts on his own feelings.

"Ok, but why do I have to be here and watch my best friend get to kiss my crush and I can't." Changbin whines, Minho chuckling at the smaller's behavior.

"I just need you for emotional support. If all doesn't go to plan, I promise no matter what, I'll make it up to you." Minho reassures. Changbin, although skeptical, nods and leads Minho to the stands.

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