Chapter 18

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Minho's attitude wasn't any better after school. The day went by without a hitch after Minho made it to his class, Changbin tried in many occasions to get Minho to talk, but he'd only shake his head and continue to glare at nothing.

Walking into his house he sees Chan and BamBam lounging in their couch watching a soccer game on TV. Minho waves to his brother when Chan gives his a brief hello, before his attention is recaptured by the game.

Minho begrudgingly made his way up the stairs into his room, not bothering to do anything but fall onto his bed and scream into his pillows.

What did he possibly do to deserve so much shit in his life?

First he lost his parents, then he lost all of his old friends, then he started getting bullied for his sexuality, and now he can't even maybe get with the boy who's in his mind 25/8?


While continuing to wallow in his self pity, Minho hears the chime of his phone.

Honestly, Minho would rather cry than read whatever the fuck whoever the fuck just sent him.

But, against his own self deprecating thought, he fished his phone out of his pocket, and unlocked it.

You know what it is!
Revived 2 minutes ago

Oh god.

How is he going to explain to Hyunjin that he wants—

Well, he doesn't want to back out of the deal, more so he has to.

Minho is in no way shape or form going to be the reason that Jisung can't play soccer, that's just not happening.

Minho isn't worth throwing the sport away.

Chan did that once for him already, he's not going to do that to Jisung too.

Wtf Hyunjin.

What? You got a pRoBlEm??

Yeah I've got a problem.
My problem is 5'7ish,
blonde, and your team captain.

Ok, the fuck did Felass do this time?

Oh, you know, nothing big,
just somehow figured out
that I'm fucking in love
with Jisung and threatened
me that if I make a move
in any sort to be with
him that Felix is going
to use his big bad team
captain powers to
kick him off of the team.
No biggie.

Now, Minho might be freaking out due to the fact that he just claimed to be in love with Jisung to Jisung's literal best friend, but that's not what's got him worried right now.

No no, it's the silence from Hyunjin—

Minho hears his phone chime. Well so much for silence.

Don't worry sweetie, I'm
not going to let felix get in
the way of yours and
Jisungie's love life.
Fuck that kid if he thinks
he's getting away with a threat
like that.
Time to give the coach a quick
call, brb love!

Minho was shocked at what he just witnessed go down.

Did Hyunjin just call him love?

Well then ok....

Guess the only thing Minho can do now is sit back and wait for Hyunjin to reply—

Minho's phone chimed again

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