Chapter 12

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Minho woke up tucked into his bed. He didn't remember making his way back to his room last night, so he knew Chan must have carried him here and let the boy sleep.

Minho slightly smiled as he got up and got in the shower to get around for the school day that was yet to come.

Hopefully, it would be a good one, though, that's never likely for Minho.

Once ready for the day, Minho made his way down to find that Chan wasn't home. HE found a note on their dining table that read, "Bam wanted to get breakfast, sorry can't take you to school, love, your handsome older brother."

To claim that Minho rolled his eyes reading the note would not be a lie.

Huffing, he makes his way out the door, grabbing his bag along the way. He decides to send changbin a text to tell him he'll probably be a little late since he has to walk the 2 and a half miles to school that he wasn't expecting to have to walk this morning. Had he known his brother was going to bail on him, he might have gotten around faster.

As soon as Minho makes it into his first period, he sees that most of the class is already there. Changbin makes immediate eye contact with him and gives him a slightly panicked look. Minho then notices Hyunjin, who seems to be staring at his small best friend, with his head resting on his hand, with his arm propped on the desk. Also on Hyunjin is a killer smirk, and if Changbin wasn't ultimately head-over-heels for him, Minho might just be.

Minho giggles slightly at his best friend's gay panic and continues his way back to his desk.

"Good morning Lee Minho, how are you on this beautiful day?"

Minho chokes on his own spit and looks to the side that didn't contain a currently freaking out Changbin.

"U-Uhm, I'm doing just fine Jisung, how are you?" Minho stammers out quickly, making eye contact with the squirrel-boy.

Jisung looks kinda disappointed, but Minho has no idea what that could be about.

'No Sungie? Oh ok', Jisung thought internally. What he actually said was, "I'm doing just fine too, any idea who we could possibly be paired with from the music class?"

"Absolutely no idea, hopefully not a prick." Minho replies, and Jisung gives a small chuckle, as Mr. Wang enters the classroom.

"Ok, today is the day we finally get the songwriting project underway. Pretty soon, the students from Mr. Min's Music Appreciation class will be joining us, and you will finally be paired up with groups from that class." Mr. Wang starts, and the class collectively groans.

Mr. Wang walks back to the door and opens it up, a fairly short man walks in, Mr. Min, followed by the rest of his students. Minho looks at each person walking into their classroom and rolls his eyes when he notices one of his least favorite people to exist in the world makes his way through the door.

"You've gotta be shitting me", Minho mumbles to himself. Jisung hears the mumbles that came from the boy beside him and giggles to himself, not fully understanding the situation.

Lee Felix enters the room and looks around at the students sitting at the desks. He spots Minho and Changbin in the back of the classroom and fixes a bitchy glare right on Minho.

Jisung notices Felix's shitty look and tracks where his eyes are staring. He becomes even more confused when he sees Minho glaring back at his team captain. Shaking his head, Jisung silently prays that He and Minho don't get paired with Felix, just to avoid whatever the fuck this is.

"Ok, now that everyone is here, Mr. Min and I will be announcing the groups." Mr. Wang says rather loudly, making sure that everyone hears him. Mr. Min looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than currently where he is, and Minho respects that completely, considering how he feels the same.

Mr. Min directs his class to stand on the side of the room while Mr. Wang writes down the groups on the board. Minho slumps over when he reads his and Jisung's group.

Lee Minho, Han Jisung, Hwang Yeji, and Lee Felix.

"YOU'VE GOTTA BE SHITTING ME" Minho says again, except louder this time and receives a sharp glare from Mr. Min. Mr. Wang just kinda sighs and continues writing on the board.

Minho and Felix look at each other again, except Jisung notices how much angrier both boys are. Jisung then hears a happy squeal escape one of the girls lined up with Mr. Min's class and sees a girl near his height, giving him a concerningly excited smile.

Jisung, being polite as always, assumes this in Yeji and gives her a smile back, along with a little wave.

This action doesn't go unnoticed by Minho, who looks over at Jisung and feels his heartbreak when he sees Jisung smiling at the girl who was obviously being flirty with him.

"Just fucking great" Minho mumbles to himself, this time, it goes unnoticed by Jisung.

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