Chapter 8

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After an evening of takeout pizza and goofing off, Minho finds himself and Changbin cuddling on Changbin's couch watching some random Kdrama Changbin had thrown on the TV. The two were close enough that showing skinship with each other was a natural thing.

Minho looked down at his best friend that was cuddled into his side to notice that Changbin had passed out at some point. Rolling his eyes he slipped out of Changbin's hold and positioned the younger so he was comfortably laid out on the couch, pulling a blanket over him and walked to the bathroom to take a shower before going to bed. Since Changbin now took up the couch he figured he'd take his bed for the night, it's not the first time this has happened and probably won't be the last.

As Minho shuts the door and turns to the mirror on the wall he takes a second to get a good look at himself. He's not incredibly tall, although he is a centimeter taller than his brother, much to the olders dismay. He's got ok features, his limbs are fairly proportionate to his body thankfully. His face isn't ugly, but it's not incredibly attractive either.

Huffing out at his own thoughts, Minho turns around to turn the shower on. He takes his phone out of his pocket and sets it on the counter, before striping and stepping into the hot shower. Minho feels the water engulf him as he stands under the shower head. Minho stands in place for a solid five minutes, just embracing the sting of the probably too hot water on his body.

Why can't he be good enough? Why does he get mocked for even attempting to be himself? Why did he think a change in style would accomplish anything, all it did was open the door for Felix and his buddies to further harass him. Why did he hope Jisung would notice him if he dressed differently?

Sure Jisung talked to him more today, but it was mostly due to the new English project that they were forced into together. Minho started to think more about the song project and started to stress about it. What would he do if he had to sing or perform the song? He can't sing to save himself.

Oh god, what if he had to show his terrible voice to Jisung?

No. No he can't do that. There is no way in hell that he would embarrass himself like that. Not in front of Jisung of all people.

As he was slipping into a panic attack at the thought of actually singing to the squirrel-like boy he heard his phone ding from the counter. Thankfully for Minho, the sound snapped him out of his thoughts and he then began to actually was his hair and body.

After about another 10 minutes of slowly washing up Minho turned the shower off, now letting himself just drip, contemplating on if he was even going to check his phone or if he'd just get dressed in some of his pajamas he had stored here at Changbin's place.

Deciding that it's probably Chan trying to check up on him, after towling himself dry, Minho grabs his phone and opens it, breath catching in his throat as he looks at who the text is from.



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