Chapter 10

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"Well, fuck." Minho grumbled to his best friend. Changbin looked confused at his sudden change in mood and turned around, noticing three people that they both did their best to avoid.

"I don't think they know we're here yet, we could just go if you wanted to," Changbin says, starting to gather his stuff. Minho shakes his head and stays put. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with Felix's shit today.

Felix and his two friends made their way to the counter, and Chan felt his heart stop when he tried to greet the new customers. He felt his entire face redden as he took in the small blond boy on the counter's other side.

"Hello? You all there, bro?" The blond said shittily to Chan. For some unknown reason, Chan didn't pick up on the attitude coming from the smaller boy, and he gave him a very charming grin.

From the other side of the cafe, Changbin's jaw was just about hitting the floor.

Was Chan really flirting with that homophobe?



Minho was completely oblivious to his best friend, let alone what was happening behind him as he stirred his coffee and stared at the table.

Felix raised an eyebrow at the older boy grinning at him and rolled his eyes. "Are you going to take our order, or should we go to a different shop?" This caused Chan to break out of his stupor and chuckled a bit.

"No, no sorry, What can I get you guys?" Chan says with yet another broad grin. Rolling his eyes again, Felix proceeds to order, moving to the side and letting Jeongin and Seungmin order as well.

After receiving their drinks, the tree turn and Changbin went pale as he and Felix made eye contact.

"Well look at what we have here?" Felix announces to his friends as they make their way over to where Minho and Changbin were. Minho releases a deep sigh, finally realizing that Felix is about to fuck his entire day up.

"The fuck do you want, Felix?" Minho says without turning to face him. Felix smiles for the first time since arriving at the cafe.

"You on a date with your little boyfriend?" Felix asks once he's reached Minho.

"We aren't fucking dating, you dipshit." Minho groans out, finally turning to face Felix. He notices his brother behind Felix's shoulder from across the room and closes his eyes, sighing again.

Chan was unsure as to what was going on. He couldn't tell if Minho was angry or not with the cute blond boy. He figured he should probably keep an eye on the exchange, you know, to be a good big brother. It totally wasn't to see more of the other party or anything.

Definitely not that. Nope.

"And why not? Can you guys not figure out which one takes it up the ass?" Seungmin interjects with his oh so brilliant observation. Chan now realizes that this is not a friendly exchange.

Changbin looks up and makes eye contact with Chan, giving a subtly shake of his head, hoping that the Oldest gets the hint not to step in.

"There's more to being gay than just how we have sex, you dumb fuck, some Class President you are." Minho snarks out, and Jeongin decides that that is the appropriate time to shove Minho out of his seat.

Chan and Changbin make eye contact again, and this time Changbin nods.

"What the fuck do you three think you're doing?"

Minho snaps his eyes up to see his older brother angrily make his way out from behind the counter and over to where the five high school boys are.

"The fuck do you care? Stay out of this." Felix says dismissively, sending a glare at Chan. Chan shakes his head. Just his luck, the first guys he finds extremely attractive since moving here, and the guy's a fucking homophobe. Way to pick 'em

"That's my little brother you're fucking with, so I suggest you either apologize to him now or get the fuck out of this cafe," Chan growls out at Felix. The latter, in turn, widens his eyes momentarily before huffing and rolling his eyes.

The blond boy sure seems to like doing that.

"Let's fucking go." Felix mutters out before angrily walking out the door, Seungmin and Jeongin following his lead as always.

"What the fuck was that? Have they been picking on you, Min?" Chan says, and Minho groans. Changbin looks down at the table.

"What the fuck does it matter, huh? Why the fuck do you care?" Minho questions pulling himself up, getting progressively even more angry with his brother.

"What do you mean, why do I care? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You're my brother, of course I fucking care! Why didn't you tell me kids were picking on you dude? I could have helped you! Why do you keep fucking pushing me away!" Chan pretty much yells at Minho. Changbin knows what's about to happen, and quickly stands to grab Minho's arm.

Minho rips his arm out of Changbins hold, storming away from them, hitting his shoulder against Chan's on his way out the door.

Minho shuffles his way down the road, making his way home.

He knows that Chan isn't going to stop this easily, but since the older has to finish his shift, Minho figures he can lock himself in his room for the night to avoid him.

Once he finally reaches his house, Minho goes into his room and throws himself on his bed. Minho lets out a frustrated shout at the ceiling.

After laying there for a while, Minho hears his phone go off.

Figuring it was Chan, checking to see if he made it home, Minho decides to check it. He really doesn't need the older trying to check on him once he got home.

Minho gasps when he opens his phone.



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