Some Things Never Change

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Elsa looked out over Arrendale, she felt completely free as Hiccup came up behind her and hooked his arm around her waist.

The Prince was dressed in a white long-sleeved tunic shirt with a beige vest over the top and falling down his shoulders was a brown bearskin robe.

The shirt had golden dragons stitched around the hem and neckline, a pair of tan brown pants fell down his legs with a newly ordained prosthetic leg.

Finally hanging around his neck was the snowflake medallion that Agnar had gifted him when he left.

" Morning your highness, sightseeing are we." Elsa giggled at her boyfriend as he kissed her.

" Hiccup your back, how were your mum and dad?" Elsa asked the man as he leant down on the railing.

" Mums great although she wishes I visited more often." Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck.

" You do need to do that, how was your dad?" Elsa held his hand and smiled.

" Well Dads good, he was giving me another talk about taking on the role of King." Elsa placed her hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

" I know he means well, but I'm just not ready yet." Hiccup sighed as he looked back up at Elsa.

" You'll know when the time comes, but you have to tell him how you feel about it." Elsa held his hands as Hiccup stared into her eyes.

" I know, I just don't know how to tell him." Hiccup told her, while smiling.

Elsa hugged him and took in his sent, he smelt of fish and dragons, which was a smell she had come accustomed to.

" Ah, Elsa I have something to ask you, would you like to." Before Hiccup would finish Kai interrupted him.

" Your Majesty, Prince Hiccup, their ready." Hiccup and Elsa pulled apart with embarrassment.

" Oh, ah, heh, sorry," Elsa mumbled to herself.

" Ok, we're coming." Hiccup took Elsa by the hand as they began walking into the room Hiccup suddenly heard a strange roar echo through his mind.

It was like a dull thud at the base of his skull, but it soon increased to immense pain.

" Ah!" Hiccup clutched his head as Elsa held his back.

" Hiccup are you all right?" Elsa asked him with a concerned tone, Hiccup took a deep breath trying to calm himself.

" Ah, I'm fine, I'm ok." He stood back up and held her hand which was on his shoulder.

As they began walking Elsa suddenly heard a faint call as if someone was singing.

" Do you hear that?" Elsa looked out into the wilderness.

" Hear what Elsa?" Hiccup queries her while forcing his powers to dull the headache.

" Oh, nothing." Elsa took her boyfriend's hand again and the two of them walked into the ballroom.

~ Line Break ~

A lone leaf floated through the air as the now teenage Night Lights followed it, chittering to each other.

Anna was walking up a path dressed in a beige gown, along the hem of the gown we're a line of flowers that we're blue and yellow.

She wore a mid-drift coat that matched perfectly with the dress and in her hair a few barely stalks.

Stormfly was walking behind her wearing a set of Gronckle iron cuffs around her legs and a barely and autumn leaf headdress around her spikey crown.

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