Into The Unknown

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Anna lay with her limbs sprawled out across the pillow, Elsa had her hands tightly pressed against her chest and was breathing lightly.

Hiccup, however, was in a much weirder position, his legs were on the bed, but his top half was spread out on the floor.

The man winced as his head erupted in pain, his eyes snapped open his eyes were glowing a bright forest green.

He got up and looked around the room, there were flares of energy floating around him.

Hiccup reached out to touch them, they glowed brightly as his hand passed through.

One flare danced in front of him and beckoned him to follow.

The Prince headed its commands and walked out into the hallway and down to the courtyard.

Elsa started to stir, the voice was calling her and she tried to ignore it.

She opened her eyes and looked around the room, noticing that Hiccup was gone.

She turned over on her side and huffed while pulling a pillow over her bead, she needed sleep.

The voice continued to call out to her, Elsa got up from the bed and made her way to the door, trying not to wake Anna, Liry or Toothless.

                     ~ Line Break ~

Hiccup was outside in the courtyard looking at all the fire flares floating around him, he had never felt such power before.

Suddenly the flares disappeared and pain shot through his head again, Hiccup tried dulling the pain as he took in heavy breaths.

The roar of whatever dragon was calling him echoed in his ears, Hiccup sighed.

" I can hear you but I won't, some look for trouble while others don't." Hiccup sang while roaming around the courtyard.

~ Line Break ~

" There are a thousand reasons I should go about my day and ignore your whispers, which I wish would go away, oh." Elsa stood in front of a mirror and leant against a table, she stared at her image then walked away.

The voice called out to Elsa again as the Queen turned around.

" Oh." She answered back, vi the voice just called again.

~ Line Break ~

" You're not a call, your just a headache in my mind." Hiccup began walking back to the door, but stopped once the roaring started again.

~ Line Break ~

" And if I heard you, which I don't, I'm spoken for I fear." Elsa strutted down the hall with her braid swinging behind her.

~ Line Break ~

" Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls." Hiccup looked up at the castle and sighed.

He thought of his mother and father, he should tell them that he's been hearing his Grandfather.

~ Line Break ~

" I'm sorry secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls," Elsa told the voice while turning around.

" I've had my adventures." Hiccup replied the roar died down as he continued to sing.

He looked up at the sky as the flares reappeared, Hiccup sighed.

                     ~ Line Break ~

" I don't need something new, I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you." Elsa opened the doors to a balcony and walked out with her arms spread wide.

" Into the Unknown!" Both sang while looking up at the sky.

" Into the unknown!" Elsa walked closer the railing and Hiccup to the door out to the fjord.

" Into the unknown!" The two of the harmonized while looking up at the sky.

The voice sang a reply to Elsa and Hiccup's eyes began to glow again as the flares reappeared.

                       ~ Line Break ~

" What do you want, cause you've been keeping me awake." Hiccup sang while following the flares out to the fjord.

" Are you here to distract me so I will make a big mistake." The flares disappeared and Hiccup hit his head on the wall.

                        ~ Line Break ~

" Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me and knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be." Elsa was out near the fjord looking down at her reflection in the water.

                          ~ Line Break ~

" Every day's a little harder as I feel my powers grow!" Hiccup spotted Elsa near the fjord and stood next to her.

" Hey." Elsa turned to him and smiled weakly.

" What are you doing out here?" Elsa asked him, Hiccup sighed.

" I, ah, I've been hearing a dragon roar in my head, it's my grandfather." Elsa looked at her boyfriend with wide eyes.

" I've been hearing a call and I don't know what to do?" Hiccup looked at Elsa and placed his hand on her shoulder.

" Hey, we'll figure this out together." Elsa smiled up at Hiccup, she waved her hands and snow sparkles flew around them.

Hiccup raised his hand and fire flares formed a mist illusion in front of them.

" Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go!" The two of them stood in front ofthe cloud.

They held each other's hand and took a step into the magical image, that stood before them.

" Into the unknown!" They walked around trees, as they formed from their magic with awe.

" Into the unknown!" The spun around and let the illusion hold their interest.

" Into the unknown." A heard of reindeer ran last Elsa just as a flock of sentinel dragons flew around Hiccup.

" Oh, oh, oh!" Hiccup made fire flares fly from his hands and around the sentinels.

" Are you out there, do you know me, can you feel me, can you show me!" Both sang while running after the magics sparks.

" Ah, oh, oh-oh, ah oh, oh oh oh oh, ah oh oh oh, ah oh oh oh, ah ah ah oh!" Elsa magic flowed around her and formed a purple flame, that jumped in an erratic way.

The spark then formed a horse, that looked like it was made of water, the horse dove to the earth.

From the horse came two giants made of stone, as they looked North, next cane a gust of wind.

Finally, the magic turned into a huge dragon, that looked down at the Queen and Prince.

" Where are you going don't leave me alone." Elsa ran after her magic as it separated from Hiccup's.

" How do I follow you." Hiccup ran after Elsa as his magic floated close to Elsa's.

" Into the unknown!" Both of them ran to the edge of a cliff and made an ice ledge reaching out to their magic.

Elsa spread her hands out to her side and hundreds of crystal diamonds formed out of thin air.

Hiccup roared into the landscape and a green fire soared into the sky forming a huge dragon head.

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