Charades and Voices

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A bell sounded and Anna stood up the front acting out her card for charades.

Toothless and Liry were wrapped together on a stone slab near the fire.

Stormfly was sitting on a huge cushion like a chicken, and Hookfang had his neck curled around the fireworms.

Anna and Elsa in their nightgowns, Hiccup dressed in his boxers, with a robe over the top, and Kristoph in pyjamas and a robe.

" Ah, wait lion," Kristoph called out trying to find out what Anna was acting as.

" Snaffelfang on a diet." Hiccup guessed, while Kristoph looked at him weirdly.

" Grizzly bear, brown bear, black bear," Olaf asked while smiling.

" Weird scary face." Kristoph queried not understanding what his girlfriend was trying to convey.

" Oh, Hans!" Hiccup and Olaf both yelled, the two of them fist-bumped.

Anna pointed at the two of them, motioning that they were on the right track.

" Unredeemable monster," Elsa asked her sister while raising her hand.

" The greatest mistake of your life." Kristin pointed at Anna, hoping that was the answer.

" Nearly killed me." Hiccup shouted and Elsa placed her hand in his shoulder.

Sven rang the bell telling Anna her turn was over, Anna sighed.

" Ah, villain," Anna told them while sitting back down as Olaf got up.

" Oh." All of them said in unison.

" We all kind of got it," Olaf said walking to the front.

" Ok Olaf your up, you got this." Hiccup told the snowman.

" Ok, it's so much better now that I can read." Olaf took out his card and read it as he mumbled.

" Lightning round, boys against girls." Olaf held his hands out pointing to the two sides, Sven rang the bell and Olaf shifted his body.

" Ok go." Olaf shifted into a unicorn.

" Unicorn!" Kristoph called out before Anna could.

" Ice cream." Hiccup shouted as the snowman shifted again.

" Castle." Kristoph called again high giving Hiccup.

" Oaken. " Hiccup announced as Olaf formed Oaken.

" Teapot!" Kristoph pointed at Olaf.

" Mouse!" Kristoph yelled again, just before Hiccup could answer.

" Oh, Elsa!" Hiccup said kissing his girlfriend on the head, Elsa blushed.

Sven rang the bell, signalling that Olaf's turn hand finished.

" I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange." Anna crossed her arms and glared at her boyfriend.

" Sorry girls, you just gotta be faster." Hiccup lounged back on to the couch as Elsa stood up and walked over to the centre carrying her pillow.

Sven came over with the cards and pulled the cushion from her grasp, Elsa grabbed a card.

" Thank you." Elsa read her card and three it onto the floor.

" Ok this is going to be a easy." Hiccup said while Anna elbowed him.

" Ok you got this Elsa, anytime just do it." Elsa waved her hands trying to figure out how she was going to act her card out.

Elsa thrust her hands forward and made a pose while smiling.

" Ah, tree, people, treeple, doing the dishes." Anna listed out anything that came to mind.

" Oh, dragon nest, dragons, Liry trying to dance." The female Fury poked her head up from where she was and growled at the Prince.

" You gotta give me something." Anna asked her sister.

Elsa tried to think of something of something else, but suddenly the voice echoed outside.

Elsa turned to look out the window, Hiccup looked at her with concern.

"Oh, ah, alarmed, distracted, worried, panicking, disturbed, oh come on one of those has to it." Anna announced as Sven rang the bell.

" We won." Kristoph high fived Hiccup just as the roar echoed through his head again.

" Ah!" Hiccup clutched his head in pain and fell off the couch.

" Hiccup are you ok?" Anna rushed to his side, Hiccup felt his whole body burn with a heat he hadn't felt in a long time.

The dragons woke up and rushed to Hiccup's side trying to help him.

" Hiccup!" Elsa knelt down next to him, Hiccup started to take deep breaths and release his healing powers, to try and stop the pain.

" I'm fine, I just need rest." Hiccup got up and left the room with Toothless in tow.

" Elsa are you and Hiccup alright?" Elsa looked at her sister and sighed.

" I think we're just both tired, I'll go check on him." Elsa left the room with Liry.

Which left just Anna, Kristoph, Olaf, Stormfly, Hookfang, and the fireworms.

" Yeah I'm tired too, Hookfang, Sven, Flicker, and Flame promised to read me a bedtime story." The dragons and reindeer looked at each other.

" Did we?" Kristoph imitated his friend's voices as Olaf jumped on Sven's back.

" Oh yeah, you guys did." They left the room, Kristoph saw his chance to ask Anna.

" Ah, you guys start without me." Hookfang and Sven winked at him.

Kristoph threw some more wood in the fire and took a leaf of a mint plant nearby, he checked his breath and nodded.

He took out the ring and held it in front of him, waiting for Anna to turn around.

" Did Hiccup and Elsa seem weird to you?" She asked Kristoph who shook his head.

" They seemed like themselves." Kristoph answered in a deeper voice as he got down on one knee.

" That last word really seemed to throw them, what was it?" Anna picked up the last piece of paper and read it.

" Ah, I don't know, but." Kristoph tried to tell Anna, but she interrupted.

" Ah, ice, oh come on, she couldn't act out that." Anna fling her hands in the air knocking the ing out of Kristoph's hands.

" I better go check on them, thanks honey." Anna kissed Kristoph on the cheek and left the room with Stormfly, Kristoph stood there dumbfounded.

" Love you too." Kristoph answered while sitting on the floor, the ring sitting in his hand.

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