The Fire Spirit

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Suddenly a tree caught on fire as a purple and pink spark ran up its trunk.

" We listen!" Yilana backed away from the burning tree.

" This will all make sense when I am older," Olaf told himself trying to stay calm as the Fireworms cuddled into the Snowman's neck.

" Fire Spirit!" A Northuldra man yelled as the spirit ran down the tree and set the surrounding grass on fire.

" Get back everyone and head to the river," Matiass yelled as the soldiers and Northuldra ran in the opposite direction.

Hiccup and Elsa watched as the spirit jumped from tree to tree, Hiccup tried to control the flames but the spirit shot fire at his hand.

" Ah!" Hiccup clutched his hand and fell to the ground in pain.

" Hiccup are you ok?" Elsa gasped when she saw his hand, the surface was charred and bloody.

" Ah, I've been burnt, I've never been burnt before." Toothless came over and saw his brother's hand.

" Hiccup what did you do?" Toothless licked the hand and Hiccup sent a surge of fire through his arm trying to heal it.

" Let your Girlfriend deal with it." Elsa blasted at the fire trying to corner the spirit.

The dragons we're trying to get rid of the fire, but the reindeer got frightened and ran down a path.

" No, no, no, the reindeer that's a dead end." A boy yelled through the flames, Kristoph looked down the path.

" Come on Sven, Hookfang stay here!" Kristoph jumped onto the reindeer and took if after the herd.

Anna and Stormfly were running away from the flames, the Princess turned to see Elsa and Hiccup still in the flames with their dragons.

" Elsa, Hiccup get out of there!" She yelled, Stormfly cawed at her rider to keep moving.

" No, no, no." Anna ran into the flames with Stormfly following close behind, trying to catch her friend.

Elsa was firing ice in every direction and Hiccup doing to same, both trying to douse the flames.

" Hiccup, Elsa!" Anna was trying to reach them, she didn't want either of them hurt.

                      ~ Line Break ~

Kristoph and Sven ran through the flames, soon coming upon part of the herd.

Sven reared back and called to them, the others did the same, a branch fell from a tree behind them and Sven panicked.

" Come on buddy, we can do this." Kristoph patted Sven and pulled him back to the path.

They took off back to the others, when Sven returned to the clearing he saw Anna collapsing in the middle of the fire, Stormfly covering her.

" Anna!" Kristoph yelled, Hookfang stopped him from running in for her.

Elsa heard him and threw a sheet of ice at the fire around her sister, the flames died down enough for Stormfly helped Anna up as Kristoph ran to her.

Elsa collapsed, she had used too much of her magic, Hiccup helped her up.

" Stormfly get her out of here!" Hiccup yelled at the nadder, the dragon grabbed Anna and ran.

" No Elsa, Hiccup!" Anna called back, Stormfly didn't stop running.

Elsa and Hiccup watched as the dragon took Anna away from the raging fires, the spirit ran past the two of them setting the grass on fire.

Elsa and Hiccup followed close behind, firing water and ice at the flames.

They ran threw a gathering of wooden houses as the spirit left a trail of fire behind it, Elsa cornered the creature in a small alcove under a boulder.

She was about to blast it but stopped when she realised it was rather small.

Hiccup stood behind her ready to fire, Elsa stopped him.

" Don't, let me try something." Hiccup lowered his hands and nodded.

The spirit looked around trying to find a place to run, but once he spotted Elsa and Hiccup he growled.

Elsa got down on her knees and edged closer to the lizard, the spirit reared back and fired at her.

A tree nearby caught on fire, Elsa put it out and looked at him with a smile.

Toothless, Liry, and their children walked up to Hiccup, they looked at the tiny creature with wide eyes.

Upon seeing the dragons the spirit calmed down and diluted his eyes, he crawled out towards Elsa slowly.

Cocking his head to one side he started at his onlookers, Elsa and the dragons copied him.

He crawled out further with caution as his fire slowly diminished, Elsa held her hand out for him.

The salamander claimed onto Elsa's hand and crooned, Elsa passed the tiny lizard between hands getting used to the heat he was radiating.

The spirit laid out on her hands as steam rolled off his body, Elsa sighed with relief.

Toothless and Dart sniffed him and the salamander licked both in the nose, the Furies warbled in return.

" I think he likes you two." Hiccup commented, the salamander looked at Hiccup's hand and crooned as if he was apologising.

" Oh, it's alright little guy." Hiccup pet the spirit, he licked Hiccup's hand and the burns instantly healed.

" Wow, thanks." Hiccup gave the Salamanca a scratch.

The Arrendallian guards and the Northuldra came up behind the two of them, gapping at how docile the spirit could be.

" They're looking at us aren't they?" Elsa asked the salamander, who chitted back.

" Got any advice," Hiccup asked while getting up.

The salamander tilted his head and licked his eye.

" Nothing?" Elsa asked him, Bruni chitted back.

" I have no idea what that means," Elsa stated, Hiccup laughed at his girlfriend.

Hiccup heard his grandfather's call just as the voice called to Elsa, Bruni turned towards the calls and squeaked.

" You hear it too, somebodies calling us." Elsa stated, looking towards the sounds.

" Do you know who it is?" Hiccup asked Bruni, as he jumped down from Elsa's hand and crawled across the ground towards a boulder.

Bruni looked back at Elsa and Hiccup, gurgling which indicated to them to follow.

" Ok, we keep going north." Elsa took a step forward while holding Hiccup's hand.

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