The Next Right Thing

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Anna lay on the floor of the cave, holding her torso and crying.

She had just lost Olaf and discovered that her sister and best friend we're also gone, she was alone.

" Olaf, Elsa, Hiccup." She pulled her arms around her and sniffed again, everything hurt.

" I've seen dark before, but not like this." Anna sang, her words filled with pain.

" This is cold, this is empty, this is numb." Anna looked at the Fireworms, who lay motionless on the ground covered in vines.

" The life I knew is over, the lights are out, hello darkness, I'm ready to succumb." Anna held onto her wrist ready to accept this way of life.

Stormfly had her body wrapped around the dead figures of the Night Lights, their parents are gone and her Prince dead.

" I've seen dark before, but not like this." Stormfly sang keeping her head on the ground.

" This is lonely, this is empty, this is cold." Stormfly shivered, the thought of Hiccup bong alone was haunting.

" The life they knew is over, their lights are out, the darkness has succumbed." Stormfly curled in further, whimpering.

" I followed you around, I always have, but you've gone to a place I cannot find." Anna lifted her head thinking of the one's she lost.

" This grief, has a gravity, it pulls me down." Anna turned around slightly and sobbed once more.

" But a tiny voice, whispers in my mind." Anna begins to fill with a small trickle of hope.

" I followed you around and always will, but now you've gone to a place I cannot go." Stormfly looked North, thinking of Hiccup.

" This grief, has a darkness, I do not know as it pulls me down." Stormfly lowered her head and looked at the children.

" But this tiny call, whispers in my mind." Stormfly picked her head up and lifted her wings.

" You are lost, hope is gone, but you must go on and do the next right thing." Anna sang as tears streamed down her face.

" Our Prince is lost, hope is gone, but we must go on and do the next right thing." Strongly stood up and sniffed the air, she smelt Anna.

" Can there be a day beyond this night, I don't know anymore what is true." Anna leaned over on her knees as a thick fog surrounded her.

" There is a day beyond this night, I know it is true." Stormfly looked back the young Furies and sighed.

" I can't find my direction, I'm all alone, the only star that guided me was you." Anna sat up taking a deep breath in.

" I'll find my direction, I'll find her, she's the star that guided me." Stormfly took a step forward and began tracking Anna.

" How to rise from the floor, but it's not you I'm rising for, just do the next right thing." Anna staggered to stand while holding her arms close to her body.

" I will rise and find, but it's not me I'm rising for, just do the next right thing." The Nadder continued tracking her rider's scent.

" Take a step, step again, it is all that I can to do, the next right thing." Anna slung her bag over her head and took a step forward.

" Take that step and again, it is all that I will do, for the next right thing." Stormfly reached a cliff

" I won't look too far ahead, it's too much for me to take, " Anna climbed up a ridge taking easy steps.

" But break it down to this next breath, this next step, this next choice, is one that I can make." She looked out towards a ledge and readied herself to jump.

" If I look too far ahead, I could make that one mistake." Strongly looked back at where she once was and then looked forward.

" But if I break it down to this next step, the next stance, the next choice, this is one that I can make." Strongly took off into the air and circled above the gorge.

" So I'll walk through this night, stumbling blindly towards the light and do the next right thing." Anna landed on the other side of the crevasse and filed her way out of the cave.

" So I'll search through the dark, flying blindly to sight and do the next right thing." Stormfly spotted Anna coming out of a cave and smiled with relief.

" And with the dawn, what comes then, when it's clear that everything will never be the same again." Anna looked out at the dam, then sighed.

" And with this dawn, it's all so clear that this life will never be the same again." The Nadder began to descend down to Anna.

" Then I'll make the choice, to hear that voice and do the next right thing." Both Anna and Stormfly sang.

The Princess looked up, spotting Stormfly flying around above her, she waved her dragon down.

" Stormfly I thought I lost you." Anna hugged the dragon, Stormfly returned the favour by nudging her head against Anna.

" I tried girl, I really did and now their, gone." Anna lowered her head, Stormfly crooned.

" Anna, it wasn't your fault." Stormfly told her rider, Anna looked up at the Nadder with shock.

" You, you spoke." Stormfly widened her eyes, Anna could understand her, how?

" You can understand me, this is incredible." Stormfly chirped with happiness.

" I thought only Hiccup and Elsa were the only ones, but now you can." Anna watched her dragon try and comprehend what had just happened.

" Stormfly, we can celebrate this later, right now there's something we have to do." Anna climbed onto the dragons back.

" What do we do?" Stormfly had an idea of what her rider was thinking.

" We're going to break the dam, " Anna patted the Nadder and Stormfly took off.

Whatever Anna had in mind to break the dam it certainly wasn't getting Stormfly to fire at it.

Not too far away, Krogan was hiding in a tree, he had been tracking the Nadder and Night Lights.

Now that the Princess was with the dragon it was going to be impossible to get close.

The Captain knew the truth about what really happened for the Spirits and the Foreverwing to trap them in here.

He only saw one way out, if he was to kill the Foreverwing then they would be free.

What he didn't know was the Foreverwing was already dead and that a solution to this war was on its way.

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