The Sentinels and Earth Giants

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Matiass, Anna, and Stormfly stood outside the village drinking from a set of mugs.

" Hey back at home, Helen still over at Hudson's hearth?" Matiass asked Anna, Stormfly was sniffing the man.

" She is," Anna answered scratching Stormfly on the chin.

" Really, she married?" Matiass quickly took a sip of his drink.

Krogan who was sitting nearby sharpening his sword and sneered at his brother.

Even though Matiass was his elder brother, Krogan saw him the weak one out and of the two of them.

Matthias was sappy and emotional, he focused too much on how people would be affected by his actions.

He continued to listen in on the Princesses conversation with his brother.

" No, she's not." Anna smiled, she knew where this conversation was going.

" Oh wow, why didn't that make me feel better?" Matiass looked off into the distance.

Stormfly nudged him and the Lieutenant smiled at the curious Nadder.

" What else do you miss?" Anna asked him, Matiass stopped patting Stormfly and looked at her.

" Our father, he passed long before all this." Matiass looked back at Krogan who had retreated to a different part of the forest.

" He was a great man and built us a good life in Arrendale, taught Krogan and me to never take the good for granted," Matiass stated while holding his mug out.

" Krogan didn't deal well with his death and his attitude towards life more or less boiled down to, hunt or be hunted." Matiass frowned, Krogan didn't really care much about anything and it hurt his heart that his own brother didn't return the love.

" He'd say, be prepared just when you think you've found your way life will throw you onto a new path." Matiass gestured down to the village.

" What do you do when it does?" Anna asked him while looking down at Hiccup.

" Don't give up, take it one step at a time and." Matiass turned to her and smiled.

" Just do the next right thing." Anna finished his sentence and grinned.

" You got it, so what's with the man following the Queen?" Maria's gestured to Hiccup.

" Oh, Hiccup, he's Elsa boyfriend." Matthias looked down at Hiccup with astonishment.

" Mother and Father took him in before I was born," Anna told him while drinking her drink.

" When he was five he was taken to live with the dragons." Anna patted Stormfly.on the head.

" Three years ago he returned to Arrendale and he now lives with us." Matiass looked down at the Prince, this man was something different.

                      ~ Line Break ~

Elsa, Hiccup, Honeymarron, and the adult Furies were sitting around a fire, laughing at something Hiccup said.

" I want to show you two something, may I?" Honeymarron gestured to the scarf sitting on Elsa's lap, the Queen passed her the scarf.

The girl picked up one of the corners, stitched on it was a snowflake with each of the elements jutting out from it and circled around the design was the Foreverwing.

" You know air, fire, water, and earth." Honey matron pointed to each element.

" Yeah?" Elsa answered while patting Liry on the head.

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