The Message

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Anna, Olaf, and the Fireworms shook themselves off, they were very wet and cold.

Olaf put his body back together, as Anna tried to light a torch, the Fireworms shot some of their fire at the stick and it caught alight.

" Oh, thanks, guys." The dragons shook themselves in acknowledgment.

Anna picked Olaf's nose up and dusted it off, before handing it over to the snowman.

" Found it." Olaf moved his head forward and fitted the nose to his face.

" Thank you, where are we?" Olaf spat out some water and walked forward, looking around.

" In a pit, with no way out." Anna waved the torch around as the Fireworms flapped their wings, mailing their shadows and light dance across the walls.

" But it has a spooky, pitch-black way in." Olaf pointed down the cave to a tunnel, the Fireworms rolled their eyes.

Anna and the tiny dragons followed Olaf and ended up in a much larger tunnel, Anna wasn't liking this.

" Come on it'll be fun, assuming we don't get stuck here forever and no one finds us, you guys starve, and I give up." The Fireworms growled at Olaf as the group headed deeper into the cave.

" To be honest, Elsa and Hiccup are probably having a much easier time than us." They went around a corner and the light from the torch disappeared.

Stormfly and the Night Lights were trying to find a way into the cave, but they so far hadn't found another entrance.

Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner were sniffing above where the cave should be, when they suddenly felt a strange cold energy.

" Wow, what was that?" Pouncer asked, his fins running along his back we're glowing.

" I don't know, you felt it too Ruff?" Ruffrunner jumped down from a tree and nodded at his older sister.

" It felt like a piece of us just left."Dart's eyes widened, she knew what had happened.

Suddenly their chest began to burn and their bodies became stiff, they started to panic.

" What's happening?!" Pouncer queried, he tried moving, but the more he did the more his body froze.

" It's mum and dad, somethings happened to them." Dart looked North, something was very wrong.

" If mum and dad are gone it means, so are uncle Hiccup and Elsa." The thought of their uncle and soon to be aunt dead and alone was a sick feeling.

Stormfly rushed over upon hearing the Night Lights panicked roars.

" What's happening?" Stormfly watched in shock as vines began creeping up the young Furies bodies.

" Furies are one of the only dragon species that can cast magic, our parents placed a magical bond over all of us," Dart exclaimed, she was getting weaker.

" The only way the bond between us can be broken is if something happened to us without our intent." The vines had nearly covered their bodies, as the dragons struggled to get them off.

" Mum and dad have been, have been." Dart lost consciousness as the vines covered her head.

Stormfly circled the Furies and tried to pull the vines off the children, but nothing seemed to be working.

Stormfly had no other choice, but to just stay with the Night Lights and wait.

Anna and Olaf wandered through the cave, still looking for a way out, they came to a fork in the road.

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