The Truth

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Elsa, Hiccup, and their dragons started to walk forward until Anna and Stormfly came up and hugged them tightly.

" Ah, Elsa, Hiccup thank goodness your alright." Anna let both of them go and smiled.

" Anna." Elsa breathed while holding her sister's hands.

" Anna what we're you thinking you could have been killed, you can't just follow us into fire." Hiccup sternly told her.

" You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire!" Anna retorted back while glaring at them.

" You're both not being careful." Anna looked like she was about to cry, Hiccup grabbed her hands and hugged tight.

" We're sorry, are you ok?" Hiccup released her and looked down into her eyes.

" I've been better." She answered back, Stormfly nudged her and Anna scratched her friend.

" I know what you need." Elsa pulled out their mother's scarf, which was sitting in Stormfly's saddlebag and wrapped it around Anna's shoulders.

The three of them turned to see the Northuldra look at the scarf with wide eyes.

" Where did you get that scarf?" Yilana questioned the sisters.

" That's a Northuldra scarf." One of the boys stated while walking up to Anna.

" What, but how?" Hiccup asked as the boy stood next to him.

" This is from one of our oldest families." The boy's sister explained.

" It was our mothers," Anna confessed, Hiccup gasped and grabbed her and Elsa hand.

They ran back to where they met the wind spirit and found the statue of their father and the girl.

" Girls do you see it." Hiccup placed his hand on the glowing scarf as the sisters walked around to see the face of the statue.

" Elsa." Anna gasped, finally realising what Hiccup was referring to.

" I see it, it's mother." Elsa held Hiccup's hand and looked at the girl with wonder.

" Mother saved Father's life that day."Anna walked around the statue and smiled.

The Northuldra gathered around them and looked at the figure, Elsa took Anna's hand and Hiccup stood behind them.

" Our Mother was Northuldra," Elsa announced and the people gasped.

The Gale circled the three of them as the statues lit up, the spines running down the Furies backs and Hiccup's markings did the same.

" Look at us bud," Hiccup exclaimed while turning his hands over.

Olaf and the trees also glowed as the snowman showed off his new look to Matiass.

The Northuldra men stepped forward and began singing, stamping their staffs on the ground.

" Na, na, na, heya na, na ih ah ih ah, na heya heya na, ah oh ah, " The men continued to sing and stamp their staffs.

The woman from the tribe walked around the three of them and sang.

" Ah, ah, oh, ah, la!" The woman places their hands on the shoulders of the woman in front and began forming a circle.

Olaf and the dragons joined in, Toothless and the other Furies stood on their hind legs, placing their front paws on the shoulders of those standing next to them.

Elsa, Hiccup, and Anna stood in the centre of it all and grinned, this was not what they had been expecting.

" Na, na, na, heya na, na ih ah ih na!" Yilana stood in front of the three of them and held her hands out for them to hold.

" We are called Northuldra, we are the people of the sun." Yilana held their hands and welcomed the royales to their tribe, the dragon's roared into the air.

" I promise you, we will free this forest and restore Arrendale," Elsa announced to the crowd, Hiccup nodded.

" That's a pretty big promise Hiccup and Elsa." Anna looked at the two of them with worry.

" Free the forest wow, I'm sorry some of us were born in here, we've never even seen a clear sky." The Northuldra boy told Kristoph, Hookfang warbled at the man.

" I get it." Kristoph hugged his dragons head and nodded at the boy.

" Names Ryder." Ryder held his hand out for Kristoph to shake.

" Kristoph." Kristin took the hand warmly, Hookfang smelt the Northuldra and crooned.

" Who's your friend?" Ryder gestures to Hookfang.

" Oh, this is Hookfang, Hiccup the man over there introduced us after him and Elsa save Arrendale." Ryder looked over to Hiccup and smiled.

" I heard my Grandfather call again." Hiccup told Elsa who took his hand.

" I heard the voice as well, we need to go North." Elsa told Yilana and the girl.

" The earth giants roam the north at night and there are the Sentinel dragons that protect the Foreverwing." the girl told the Prince and Queen.

" You can leave in the morning." Yilana took hold of Elsa and Hiccup's hands and lead them to their village.

" I'm Honeymarron." The girl told Anna who followed Yilana, Matiass and Keogan stood beside Anna.

" Honeymarron we'll do all we can." Anna held Honeymarron's hand as they walked forward.

                        ~ Line Break ~

The Night Lights ran around the village with a group of children chasing them.

Olaf was sitting with the younger kids as they pulled his arms off and stuck them in different places.

" Hey let me ask you, how do you guys cope with the ever-increasing complexity of thought that comes with maturity." One of the girls pulled Olaf's nose off and stuck it up her own.

" Brilliant." Olaf exclaimed as a boy pushed his hand through his head and the snowman winced.

" It's so refreshing to talk to the youth of today our futures in bright hands." The kids continued to pull Olaf apart.

" Oh no don't chew that, you don't know what I've stepped in." A boy began to lick Olaf's foot when the snowman told him off.

Kristoph, Ryder, Sven, and Hookfang walked past the kids, Kristoph was telling Ryder his attempts to propose to Anna.

" I can't seem to get her attention or even say the right thing." Kristoph hung his head and Hookfang nudged his friend.

" I mean, Hiccup can talk to Esa just fine." Kristoph pointed over to the Auburn-haired man.

" Why can't I talk to Anna like that." Sven huffed at his friend.

" Well you're in luck, I know nothing about woman, but I do know that we have the most amazing way of proposing." Kristoph lit up as Ryder mentioned the idea.

" If we start now, we will be ready before dawn." Ryder told him as the two of them stopped walking.

" Really?" Ryder put his hand on Kristoph's shoulder and began walking again.

" Best part, it involves a lot of reindeer." Ryder whispered to his new friend as Sven and Hookfang looked at the two if them weirdly.

" Wow." Kristoph followed after Ryder as he started to explain the plan.

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